Ending sad/ somewhat hapoy💔 chapter 10 / Maybe in a other universe

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Also has in chapter 7 I think that was a chapter in Kokos life before she dated clover so she then broke up with jd and got back with Aubrey soo like yeahs

The day starts off fine as Koko goes to school at regular her mom drops her off " Bye love see you later! " Koko looks back and says bye, she noticed Marks not there but she didn't care as much but really wanted to see Mariella, she sat at the wall waiting for someone she knew she then tended to see Aubrey walking and ran up to her and hugged her " HIIII AUBREY MEH LOVE! " Aubrey pushes Koko off " So um... I've been  needing to tell you something " Aubrey says in a happy and sad way " we need to break up.." Koko taken back she tries to hold back tears and says" oh I get it.. who's the lucky guy or girl ig.."  Aubrey jumps up and says Ivan Koko has even been taken back even more by her new boyfriend?!??! " oh I'm so happy for you guys..! I wish u guys the best " she secretly didn't really mean it and was still sad * The bell rings saying to go to class *.

Koko says hi to mark has she sees him waiting the classroom for Ms gyattas he says hi back but then he notices that Tera were purring down her face he then holded her hands and said " wants going on your usually happy a but your acting like if Lucy was arrested ?", Koko breaths and Tera to talk about Aubrey an her NEW BOYFRIEND, by the time she was finished they were heading to the classroom so thy both got in and  sat together as the days goes on she then realizes Aubrey I more happier with Ivan but he no longer cares but cares for Aubrey still even more then her previous girlfriend named clover Richard.

At the last period of school she saw a kid named Santiago and she walks up to him " HI SANTACOS" he looks up and says hi back  thu both Trey to talk and lot and can got yelled at for talking, later on as th bell rings to leave they walk together as they talk about why they like  peanuts and they big had the same interest, they then left me said Their good byes, Koko then feels like she found her brand new bff to be friends with * as a week goes by *

Koko has got along with Santi she was happy and noticed Aubrey siting alone she then walked up to Aubrey " hii Aubrey :3 wanna hangout" Aubrey responds with " sure I would love to Ivan has been a pain in the but lollll " they then hanged out and stayed has friends later on years latershe is now older and keeps contact with all her friends and calls with Cristina daily.

And a"so this is the later chapter of this story and has officially ended!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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AUBREY X KOKO😋😋😋😋😍😍😍😍😘😘🥰 <3>> cute core and UWU coreWhere stories live. Discover now