The Team

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Watching the teen jump up and down behind the Spy, I realized his smile was familiar. He was smiling like he does in the game. His smile was not crooked, or creepy in any way. What made the smile sick and ghoulish was the body laying in front of it.

That was not a smile of creepy enjoyment of bashing someone to death, that was a smile of beating someone. A smile that screamed 'I'm better! You lost, this is the game we play.' Again, it was not a scary smile, but if you have that smile on while you are killing people, it's absolutely terrifying.

He fights like it's a game.

Which is true.

But not at the moment.

This is my reality right now, as terrifying as it might seem, but I have yet to wake up.

"So, you never told me why you're out here, toots." His Boston accent familiar, yet still lacking in computer speaker sounds. I opened my mouth to speak, only to be cut off by the teen in front of me tackling me to the ground. A gunshot rang out and a bullet hit the ground by my ear. "Hold that thought" He grinned and picked me up bridal style, running quicker than I ever thought possible with a 100lb person in his arms.

He ran, dodging bullets, stickies, rockets, and syringes alike, all the while shouting for the Medic or someone to help. At some point the German appeared, his looks strikingly similar to that of his game avatar. The Medic pulled out his bone saw, a sight that sent shivers down my spine. He looks absolutely ecstatic to be called, hoping to amputate or something else that would require his arms to be stained with blood. Running up to the older man, Scout stopped short and his arms relaxed, dropping me and the rest of his body to the ground. Before I understood what was happening, Scouts body landed over top of mine, blood seeping from the wound in his head. A gunshot rang out soon after, signaling who had killed the unlucky teen.

"Sniper," I whispered. The Medic must have heard me, because he gave me a look, not a nice one, and hurried to carry me. Again in the arms of one of the RED mercs, I was run to a little spot on the map or wherever where a lot of beeping and shooting sounded from. Carried in, the first thing I saw was a body blown to bits. Cringing and putting my face into the blood stained lab coat, I was carried towards the beeps. "Howdy Medic, Watcha got there?" Dropping me quite harshly the German spoke. "Not sure, Herr Scout vas carrying her, trying to find me. Vhen he did, he vas shot by zhe BLU Sniper." He then gave me a look. "And despite never seeing her anyvhere, she knew who he vas shot by." Listening to the conversation I began to shake. The sound of beeps and gunshots sounded through the room, causing pained moans to follow every shot fired.

"And how do ya know that, darlin?" The Texan geared his question towards me. I opened my mouth again to speak, but I realized I really couldn't remember.

How did I get here even?

And even though I know this is a Valve computer game, they wont believe me if I simply said, 'I was playing on my computer when I was suddenly brought here by some magical force and am now in the middle of the game I was previously playing'

That would blow over real well.

"I-I... I don't know..." My voice felt foreign. They must have seen the troubled look on my face, because they didn't push.

"Don't worry bout it darlin', come join me for the rest of this battle. Should be over soon anyway." He smiled, his looked kinder than the previous two, so I simply nodded my head. "Are you sure you vill be alright?" The Medic looked towards Engie and the Texan nodded. Unspoken words passed between the two before the teleporter lit up and Heavy stepped down, my previous encounter with the BLU Heavy did not help the intimidation he unintentionally let out.

The Heavy didn't seem to noticed my sad form lying in front of the Engies robo-chair from the Rancho Relaxo Taunt. As the Heavy and Medic duo ran from the little shack, the teleporter glowed again. This time to reveal the one class that could possibly be louder and more obnoxious than Scout. "Howdy, Jane." The Soldier stepped down from the teleporter and grinned, this is the one class I knew to be completely off his rocker. His grin quickly faded when he caught sight of me, "What is a girl doing on the battlefield?" His loud voice echoed across the walls.

This was going to take awhile.

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