Make Love Known

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 "A heart to love, and in that heart, Courage, to make's love known"- Shakespeare, Macbeth – Act 2, Scene 3

You were working on the research for a hunt in a nearby town and stayed at the bunker to check out what it could be. Your older brothers were gone on the hunt to check it out and you didn't know when they will be back. They had left a few days ago and left you behind trying to recover from a minor injury that practical didn't take much time for it to heal. You told them you would be fine before they had left, but Dean decided sense he was the oldest, that you should stay behind to heal better. Sam was reluctant to agree with him, seeing as he saw you healing well, but he still didn't want to take any chances.

So, there you were, stuck in the library with only a pile of books and movies to keep you company. Nothing said fun like reading a book that you have read over a hundred times, watching movies that you had seen over and over again, and laying on the leather couch in your most comfortable Pajamas eating while doing research for Sam and Dean while they're away. However you had managed to find a copy of "The Wizard of Oz" in this dusty old Bunker, along with a few other good reads that you had not read before. Even though you had read it a hundred times, it was still one of your favorites. When you heard a flutter of wings form behind you. You turned around think it was Castiel and smiled. It quickly faded when you saw that it wasn't him, but it was the archangel that annoyed you more than anyone, Gabriel.

"Great, and I thought that I was going to have a few relaxing days off." You huffed as you looked away from the archangel and back down to your book.

"Nice to see you too, princess." He murmured sarcastically with his face in a snarl to his face. You and the archangel really didn't get along that well, especially after hearing about what he did to you and your brothers. Making you and Sam watch Dean die a hundred times, forcing the boys to say yes to being the vessels and screwing with you heads. You had really hadn't warmed up to him that much since after the apocalypse. "So, where are your brothers, gorgeous?" He asked sounding so chipper and you rolled your eyes at his flirtatious tone.

"They're on a hunt, Sam think's it might be a Wendigo and Dean thinks that it may be a werewolf, but I think it might be a lone vampire or something." You said not even glancing at the archangel and keeping your eyes on the book in hand. Gabriel noticed that you were not looking at him and suddenly the book flew out of your hands and into Gabriel's. "Hey, give that back!" You shouted at him, fighting and clawing at him as best you could to get your book back. He held you hand with only one hand with little to no effort at all. He just snickers at you failing attempt to get your precious book back.

"Hey now, what book is so important that you would ignore a visit from an Archangel, cutie?" He looked down at your book and chuckled at the title of the cover. "Really? The wizard of Oz?" He rudely asked letting you go. You puffed up your chest a little from his comment.

"So what? I like that book, it's fun and interesting." You retorted and the archangel shook his head.

"You just seemed a little old for these kid stories." He replied back waving the hardcover copy in his hands and placed it on the table behind the leather couch you were sitting on. You immediately grabbed it and tuck it safely away in your arms.

"It gets my mind off of the crap that I go through every single day of my life. I mean, at least it better than me reading and watching porn like you or Dean do." You protested at him and Gabriel just walks around the bunker's library and let his eyes wonder.

"Now that's just hurtful, cupcake." He said trying to sound offended as your snarky and yet truthful statement.

"What do you want anyway?"

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