No need to repeat things the freak is dumb.

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Chapter 1:

Saph's P.O.V:

I sigh as I run my hand through my hair, this shopping business is really tiring. I drag my feet to the shop in front of me. I had been roaming around the mall for the last four hours. FOUR FREAKING HOURS. And I couldn't find a single thing which was appropriate enough to give to Jason as a gift.

Why? We finished one year of dating today. So I obviously had to buy a gift. You're dumb if you don't buy a gift on your one year mark. Duh. Why didn't I buy a gift earlier? Because I was busy. If you call reading books and playing video games busy, then yes. I was extremely busy.
Okay. I was procrastinating.
Happy to get an honest answer?

"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" A salesperson says. I jolt out and stare uncomprehendingly at him. What did he just say?

"Umm ma'am, what do you want?" He repeats. I look around and see that the shop is full of shoes, wallets, belts, and shirts. Wait, wallets? This is it. This is what I've been searching for. FOR FOUR HOURS.

"Excuse me, may I help you please?" The salesperson says in an irritated voice. Before I could even reply I hear an another voice.

"No need to repeat things Steven, the freak is dumb."

"Excuse me?" I whip around and see Helen staring at me. Oh great, that's what I need right now. Note sarcasm. Helen was the school Queen Bee and a major bitch. Bitch with a capital B. We used to get along fine until I stole her "future boyfriend" a.k.a Jason.

I didn't even 'steal' him. I was just living my usual life until Jason himself came and asked me out. And now, the Queen Bee and her minions are after me. For blood. Like where did the unity go? A guy asks me out and you're after me? Damn unfair.

"If you don't know, Steven repeated the question thrice." She says while popping her gum, leaning on the counter lazily. She's wearing a crop top and a short skirt. Huh. Slut.

"Oh, sorry." I say quietly. "Can I get a wallet? The brown one lying there?" I didn't pick a fight with her for two reasons. 1. She's not worth my time. And I'm already running late. 2. I'm too happy today to be pissed off at her comments.

But trust me, if she goes on again about how I 'stole' Jason and how I'm a freak, she has it coming for her. In the form of a punch. Right on her nose, where it'll leave a bruise visible to every one. Oh yes. Perfect.

The salesperson, Steven, nods with his lips pursed.

"And pack it, please." I add. I tiredly watch as he proceeds to put the wallet in the box, his muscles flexing in the process. Okay, he was hot. But Jason was hotter. Stop staring at him. I chide myself.

"That'll be sixty-five dollars." I nod and fish for the money inside my own wallet. Leaving the money on the counter I take the bag and hurry. Why? Because I have a date pending. It's 6 already. I came at the mall at 1:30. There go my four and a half hours. I guess no novels or video games today.

I start the car and rush home, tossing the wallet on my bed I run into the shower and take a quick bath and shampoo my hair. As I am coming out I see blood. There you go. I hit my period. Go figure.

Soon I'm dressed in a peach coloured frock which comes down to my knees and some peach pumps. Applying minimum make up and curling my hair I see that the time is 7:15. Jason was meant to pick me up at eight.

There I go. I've got 45 minutes left. Awesome! I'm an extremely impatient person. And waiting for 45 minutes was like holding the weight of the sky. Like Atlas. Okay, sorry for the Percy Jackson reference. Comes with being the book geek package.

Now, like the dumb person I am. I made the worst decision. Ever. And trust me, I've made many bad decisions. I decided to go to Jason's house myself for our date instead of letting him pick me up.

Now you'd be thinking, how dumb. Right? Well that's me. I'm famous for bad and impulsive decisions. Like the time I decided to make my parents dinner and ended up creating and explosion in the kitchen. We had to call the fire squad to quench the fire.

The explosion surely stopped any further prospect of me cooking. Aaaandd I ended up being grounded for two months and had to pay for the kitchen expenses. FROM MY OWN POCKET MONEY. Let's just say, I couldn't get any clothes, novels or video games for almost six months.

And the time I tried to mow the lawn and ended up almost cutting my foot and running my younger brother over with the mower. It ended with me lying smack in the middle of the half mowed lawn because my brother had pushed me out of anger and frustration. Let's just say it took ages for me to clean the grass and other dirt from my hair.

And when I tried to shovel away the snow from the driveway and ended up putting a big scratch on the door and almost hitting my head. I know. My life is extremely exciting.

I drove to Jason's house which is a block away from mine. After parking my car I proceeded to go to his house. Now let me tell you something, Jason has given me the key to his house. Why? It's a long story involving rain, jackets, and blackouts. So I never needed to ring the bell or knock.

Obviously, this time was nothing new and I silently slide in the key, very careful about not making any noise. I close the door silently, locking it. I bend down and attempt to take off my pumps and thinking better of it, I get back up again. Chances are that Jason might be ready and we might leave soon, so why bother?

I enter the living room with the key and the present in my hand. This visit was meant to be a surprise, so obviously I sneaked up the stairs so I could frighten him.

As I stop in front of his door, I hear moaning coming from inside. I backtrack and mind runs on the possibilities. Is Jason cheating on me? Am I just imagining the moans? Is Jason watching porn? Yeah, that's it. Jason must be watching porn. He wouldn't cheat on me. He loves me, for Lord's sake.

I open the door excitedly and as soon as I see what is happening my hands open in shock and the keys and the gift fall down. I slam the door and run outside. The world is suddenly blurring and tilting around. I stumble down the stairs blindly and fall on the maroon carpet. Getting up I brush my scratched hands on my frock and rush towards the main door.

I blindly pull it open like a maniac, failing miserably. Then I remembered that I locked it while coming in. I pull hard on the chain, almost breaking it in the process and rush out leaving the door open. I wish he would get robbed. Would serve that bastard right.

I blindly run to my car, tripping on the driveway once and start it, pressing down on the accelerator like my life depended upon it. I hurriedly turn into my street, almost crashing into the street pole.

I park the car and stumble out onto my drive way. I open my door and run up the stairs. I slam my door and slide down the wall. I take off my pumps and throw them on my closet. Who knew that my one year anniversary would turn out to be the worst day of my life. What did I even do wrong? This has happened for the second time in my life. Why? What was wrong with me? What was wrong with my life? Why couldn't I never be enough?

I didn't know I was crying until I tasted saltiness on my lips. Flashbacks of what I saw ran again and again in my mind. Even if I closed my eyes the picture of Jason lying on top of Claire was pasted under my eyelids.
Jason and Claire.

Claire, my best friend.

Well, now ex-best friend.

Hii. This is my first book so don't expect extremely high quality work. But yes. I'm trying my best to do this. And, yeah. Please try to tell about this book to every body you know. This chapter might seem boring but it gets interesting as the story proceeds. I promise.

You know how it goes, don't you?
totally_weird_child. xx

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