Haruhi × Male!Reader ~ Secrets

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•♠•Haruhi × Male!Reader ~ Secrets•♠•

You boredly walked down the halls of Ouran High, hands stuffed into the pockets of your uniform. You were one of the rich kids, though you didn't particularly act like it. You always went to the skate park in the "commoners" area, meeting up with some of your commoner friends. To you, they were much less selfish and greedy than the rich kids at Ouran.

This didn't mean you weren't liked by the students at the Academy. You were well liked, especially by the ladies. You entered your class, sighing, and sat in the back of the room.

Other students began filing inside and someone took the desk in front of you. A short brunette guy. He turned to you and smiled. "Umm… Hi. I hope you don't mind if I sit here." He said. You shrugged. "No problem." He nodded and held out his hand. "Fujioka, Haruhi." He introduced. You shook his hand, keeping a blank face. "(L/n), (F/n)." You said.

Though, you couldn't help but raise a brow. He looked, at least to you, more feminine than male. You knew otherwise, or so you thought, after all he is in the Host Club. Haruhi turned back to the front as the teacher entered.

The next three classes went by slowly, Haruhi happening to be in all of them. As you were on your way to lunch, you weren't paying much attention, along with someone else who happened to be walking. You accidentally bumped into them and they nearly fell over, if you hadn't grabbed their wrist and pulled them back up. Haruhi blinked, obviously surprised. You raised a brow. "Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded. "Y-Yeah sorry… I wasn't paying attention. I just left my lunch in the classroom." He shrugged.

You nodded and was about to continue walking until… "Hey, I'm gonna go eat outside. You're welcome to join me." Haruhi offered. You thought about it for a moment. You didn't have any actual friends to sit with, so you might as well. "Yeah sure, I'll meet you out there." You turned and walked toward the doors.

Once outside, you sat on the steps and sighed, looking ahead at the Sakura trees, which was the one thing you always liked about this school. Call it girly, but you loved the way they looked. There was shuffling and you glanced to the side, seeing Haruhi sitting next to you with a box lunch. Now you were confused. Why didn't he get a school lunch? I'm sure they're much nicer.

Haruhi seemed to read your mind. "I'm not rich, I got in with a scholarship." She said. You nodded. "That explains it." You blurted. "Huh?" You smirked and looked at him. "You're not as snobby as the rest of them. I grew up hanging out with the "commoners" as they call them and I always hated the way those rich kids are always acting so snobbish and dumb." You snorted. "It's like a sassy Barbie."

Haruhi blinked, surprised, then burst into laughter. "That's awesome! I like you already, even the Host Club members are kinda snobby with their money, calling us commoners and stuff. They even made me dress as a guy so I could pay off-" He, or now that you knew, she paused.

You were both silent, then you smirked. "So, basically, you're a girl?" You asked. Haruhi smiled. "Yeah, I am." Mentally, you cheered because you had totally said she looked feminine. The two of you continued talking for the rest of the lunch hour, unaware of the prying Host Club eyes.

Tamaki glared straight at you, flames burning in his eyes while Hikaru and Kaoru tried to calm him down. "Calm down, boss." Hikaru said. "Yeah, she's only talking to him. What's the worse that could happen?" Kaoru added. Tamaki growled, literally growled, and shoved the twins away. "He could hurt my baby! Daddy's gotta protect his daughter!" He shouted.

Hikaru and Kaoru rolled their eyes. Kyoya sighed. "Tamaki, she isn't even your daughter." He said. The blonde glared at Kyoya. "Whatever, I still don't think that guy should be around Haruhi." He narrowed his eyes back at you. 'I'm gonna make sure that bastard stays away from my Haruhi.' He thought angrily.


A/N: Heeeeya! Another one-shot for one of my dear friends who wishes to stay unknown. Actually, you don't know him, he isn't on Wattpad. XD Anywho... This is part one, I'll have part two done as soon as possibleee…. Sorry if Tamaki was totally out of character, it seemed to me like he was. Anyway, enjoy my friends!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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