The Meet

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Pictured:Jackson White
Having to work odd hours take a huge affect on my romance life. You can say I'm some what of a hopeless romantic. It's now 12am and it's time for my patrol on the west side.

"Let's go already Rodriguez!" I called out to my partner of 3 years.

"I'm coming. You lazy bum!" He called back.

"I'll be in the car you got 2 minutes starting now." I said as I head for the door of our precint.

Once we get into the car I start driving towards west side neighborhoods. Let me tell you it's one of the worst neighborhoods to get lost in.

After an hour we don't see anything suspicious so I start heading toward the overpass. Something catches my eyes under the over pass. I pull over and tell Rodriguez to man the radio while I check it out.
As I walk over word the underpass I hear crying and whimpering. I start to take off in a jog to get to whoever is there faster. When I finally reach the underpass I grab my flashlight and shine it in different directions till I find what I'm looking for. Let me tell you now it's nothing of what I expected. There sits a young boy 18 at the most. He's dressed in a torn thin shirt, jeans with holes and shoes that do nothing for him. Covered in blood and cuts also bruises. As I get closer the more he scoots back. I notice he's holding something very protectively in his arms.

"Hey there I'm Officer White. What's your name?" I tried

"Okay we can work that out later. Can you show me what's your holding? I promise I won't take it from you." This seemed to grab his attention.

He slowly held out his arms to show me what was wrapped in the blanket. A baby.

"Who's baby is this?" I asked

He points at himself. He holds out his arms so I can give him back his baby and I did. When I stood back up I walked over to where all his stuff was set up. I started packing his things for him. I'm not sure what's going on with me right now but I feel possesive over this pair and I just want to get them to the safety of MY house.

I feel someone tugging my sleeve I turn around to face the young boy.

"Yes?" He seemed to think about what to say next.

"W-what ar-re you-u doin-ng? He asked

"I'm taking you and your child to my house where you guys will be living from now on."
My possesive side was showing for this couple and I was afraid to run him off. I just want to get them home.

He seems to contemplate what to say next.
I interrupted him and said "We can talk later okay?" He nods.
I grab all his bags and put them on my shoulder and lead him back to the car.
I opened the backseat and help the boy in and buckle up. I walk around the back and opened the trunk. Tossing his bags I go back to the drivers side and buckle in.

I turn to Rodriguez and say
"If chief asks we didn't find anything suspicious in the area tonight got it?" He nods I know I can trust him to keep this for me.
On the drive to my house was silent except our radio for work.
I pull up into my driveway and I ask "Rodriguez can you carry the bags into the house." He nods again.
I open the back door and grab the young boy by the elbow. I could feel him tense at my touch. I lead him into my home and sit him on the couch and go find Rodriguez I tell him
"Hey tell Chief that I'm taking today and the rest of the week off."

He says back "You think he'll allow you?"
I say "Yeah he has to I'm his nephew."
Rodriguez nods and walks out the door.
I look into the living room and see them boy looking at his baby with so much love it's crazy.
I walk into my room and change quickly into some sweats. I grab another pair and one of my old police academy shirts.
I head back to the living room and walk toward the young boy. I show him the clothes I brought him and say "Bathroom is down the hall to the left. I'll hold your baby while you do that."

He looked at me with reluctance but decided for the best and hands the baby over. I sit down and look down at the baby..... boy!

I can feel myself nodding off while I wait for him to come back. When I woke up I saw the boy and his son sleeping in the love seat. I walk over to them and left them up bridal style and carry them down the hall towards my room. I can tell he's awake cause his breathing changed levels.
I set him down in my bed and I grab his son and put him in the middle. I go around the bed and climb in on my side and I feel the young boy scoot closer until I felt his hair tickle my neck. He's careful about his son in the middle though so good thing there. I wrap a protective arm around both and bring them a little closer to my heat.


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