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Natsu x reader high school AU

It was the day of the prom. A special one for the third year's of the Fairy Academy, which included Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster and y/n (last name). It would be their last prom here.

Y/n's pov

"Mom! Just like I told you all these times before! I am not going to the prom!", I yelled at my mom because she was pushing me to go to the prom. Again!
"y/n. I'm doing this for you. You will regret it if you don't go. I got a dress for you here.", she said and showed me the dress. It was a wonderful, beautiful dress. It was red and reached down to my knees. On the upper part of the dress were sparkles and a black ribbon was on the back.
"But I don't like proms. I don't like standing alone because there is no one who wants to go with me to the prom or wants to dance with me.", I said.
"You liked the boy with the pink hair, right!", she said and a red colour tinted my face. "Mom~! That's not true!", I yelled knowing it maybe was a bit true.
"Oh. I see. That's why you spent so much time on making pluche of him.", she answered me, sarcasm was clearly heard on her voice. "Ugh!", I yelled and ran to my room

That evening my mom had persuaded me to go to the prom. I walked into the gym, grabbed some punch and walked out of the gym to search a quiet place to read.

Natsu's pov

I had escaped the crowded gym saying I was gonna use the bathroom. But I just wanted to have some time alone. I hated crowded places. I was walking around the school to reach an exit, I needed some fresh air, when I suddenly saw a girl reading. Wasn't that a friend's of Erza. I walked up to her and sat down next to her. I said nothing. Just sat there. And I enjoyed it.

She suddenly looked up and saw me "Natsu? Wow. I never expected to see you in a suit.", she spoke up. "Yeah me neither. My mom kinda persuaded me into this all.", I admitted making her laugh. "My mom did too, actually.". We laughed a while together. "But why are you here?", she asked "Shouldn't you be with Lucy?"

Y/n's pov

"Lucy?", he answered "Erza said You were gonna ask her.", I said looking down. "Why would I do that. I Don't even like Lucy.", Natsu said and looked straight into my eyes. "I'm here alone. Just like you, I suppose.", he said without ever retracting his eyes from mine. "Yeah..."

"Well. I think I'll...", Natsu said and started to get up. I grabbed his arm making him look at me. "D-don't go. I'll be so lonely...", I said. He sat back down "Why don't you come with me.", he said standing up and reaching his hand out for me. I could only stutter as he went down on one knee "Miss (last name). Would you give me the honor of dancing with me?", he asked "I-I-I-I", was the only thing I could say as I took his hand. He pulled me with him into the crowded gym. I spent time with Natsu and it was really fun.

When it was getting late, around 11 o' clock I think I saw Erza sneaking up the stage to the dj (Gajeel). She was talking to him when suddenly the music changed in a slow. I blushed because I knew where this was going and Natsu asked "Can I?". I nodded and he came closer to me. I was embarrassed because I saw people looking at us and when I heard a girl say "Look at Natsu. Dancing with 'that'. He's obviously only doing it out of pity." And some girls laughing I snatched out of Natsu arms and ran back outside.

Natsu's pov

What just happened? Y/n just ran away. Did I do something wrong. I walked outside and saw her crying on a bench. I sat down next to her again and patted her back, unsure what to do. She was crying and I can't really handle crying people. "What's wrong?", I asked "I heard someone laugh at me saying that you were only dancing with my out of pity.", she said and looked straight into my eyes "You didn't, right?". I shook my head "No. I had other reasons to dance with you.", I said. "Other... Reasons?", she asked and I explained. "Well. You're a beautiful and kind girl. And I like you.". "Like me?". "Yeah well... I'm like this.", I said and kissed her.

Y/n's pov

Natsu suddenly kissed me. He was surprisingly gentle. He caressed my hair and hold me tight for what lasted way too short. "How about I bring you home. I have a car. And it's not like I want to stay here any longer.", he asked and I nodded. He brought me home and I knocked on the door. Mom opened and she immediately yelled "(dad's name)! Y/n brought a boy with her. It's the one with the pink hair.", Natsu looked weird at me and I looked down in embarrassment. "Oh wait here. I go get a camera. Oh! And I show you what y/n made.". I was embarrassed to the point steam was almost coming out of my ears. I was bent down and looking to the floor when I suddenly felt Natsu's hand pat my head. I looked up and he smiled at me "Relax. Your parents seem cool. Besides your my girlfriend now, right?" "G-girlfriend. I-I guess so.". He kissed me once more and I saw a light. We broke up and mom was showing dad the picture she had me lade of the two of us kissing. That was when I spotted the Natsu pluche I had made myself in her arms and I saw Natsu had too. Damn there goes my cool. "Did you made a doll of me. You must really had a crush on me.", he said. Not being able to bring out a world I was an embarrassed stuttering mess Natsu kissed my forehead and waved "It was fun meeting you miss and mister (last name). I hope I can see you again y/n." before getting into his car and driving away. "So you told him.", mom said "See. You were gonna regret if you didn't go." "S-shut up mom."

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