Chapter 1

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Mikey woke up to Tamsin shaking him. "Wake your lazy ass up" Tamsin shouted in his ear. "5 more minutes...." Mikey pleaded. "No you're coming downstairs Tara needs to tell us something important" Mikey reluctantly got out of his bed. Tara was waiting patiently. Tara was in charge of them and had made a decision. "Pack your bags you are going to boarding school but more importantly Gakuen Hetalia High. " Tara said. "Noooo I can't leave my long life crush Hannah Rose!!!" Mikey shouted. "You can just get a new girlfriend" Tamsin laughed at him." Oh yeah I suppose I could" He looked sad though. She handed us a box each. "There's a uniform inside and instead of books you will be using Hetapads plus a suitcase So you can pack your stuff." Then Tara told us about the school. Then they all walked up to their rooms.

Mikey's POV

I trudged up to my room. I really didn't want to go but everyone else is happy. So I'm just gonna have to deal with it. I hope I can get Hannah Rose's number before I leave. I drag the suitcase with me to my room. I take out my uniform. It consists of a pair of black shoes, a green tie, white shirt, checked pants and a blue blazer. I almost vomited. "What the hell" I muttered. "CHECKED PANTS!" They were horrible . I heard the girls shouting. I'm guessing they have skirts or pinafores. I got my suitcase and packed my clothes, my Xbox and games, my mini fridge, my psvita,my money,my red lava lamp,my laptop and all my chargers. I got my bathroom stuff and NO I CANT FORGET MY SPECIAL CHICKEN NUGGET PLATE. I put my staff bull terrier called Ceaser in it's travel cage and walked out,waiting for the rest.

Lauren's POV

I was packing my bag carefully. Mikey was probably just throwing everything in. Mikey is my brother but that doesnt mean we are alike. I looked at the uniform. It was a checked pinafore, white shirt,green tie,black shoes and a blue blazer. It was pretty nice. But I'll add leggings underneath. I packed my clothes,my luminous lava lamp,my laptop, my mini fridge,my money, my chargers and some jewelry. I put my bathroom things in it and left my room to see Mikey waiting.

Kerrie's POV

I began packing. I was pretty excited but not too excited. I looked at the uniform in disgust. It was a checked pinafore, white shirt,green tie,black shoes and a blue blazer. I literally shouted in disgust. I carried on packing. I added my clothes,pink and black mini fridge and lava lamp,my laptop,money and chargers. I also added my bathroom things. My husky dog Joey willingly jumped inside his travel crate. I walked out to see the two others and we waited for Tamsin.

Tamsin's POV

I was actually excited for once. I turned on some music and started packing. I looked at the uniform and shouted so loud I bet the people in space could hear me. It sucks. Ill put leggings underneath. I packed my bag quickly and walked out the door grabbing my phone and tablet for the journey along with headphones. "Let's go the cabs waiting." Kerrie stated and went to the front door. Tara stood there. "Here are your hetapads for school" She looked at us. "Good luck" She gave us a hug each. We waved when we got into the cab. I put my headphones on and listened to some music.

------------------------------ ------------------le time skip ------------------------ ----------------- -

The cab came to a stop and we got outside. We payed and as the cab drove out of view we saw the big building in front of us. People were walking around campus as it was a Sunday. It was huge. We walked in and made our way to the entrance. A guy nervously walked behind us. I stole a glance and saw a glimpse of blonde hair. Then suddenly in a British accent he shouted "I AM NOT A STALKER!!" and ran back to a group of guys. I looked at them confused. I shrugged it off and we got to the reception. "We are the new students" Kerrie told the woman. "Ah yes here are your schedules,keys and a set of how the school works. Your dorm room numbers are on your keys." She smiled. "What room are you?" I asked the rest. "194" Kerrie read her number out. "195!" We fistpumped. "What about you two?" I questioned. "243" Mikey pouted. "Aww no fair" he sulked. I looked to Lauren."117" she stated. I nodded. "Lets go" We walked over to where the two halls split. "We'll go to your room first" I pointed right. We finally got to Mikeys room. On a board on the door it had 3 names on it. They were Arthur Kirkland, Lukas Bondevik and Bella Maes. He stuck the key in the door and walked in. He sat on a plain bed when his face paled."What?" Kerrie asked him. "I didn't bring bedsheets"
he answered. The other two's face paled as realization hit them. "Here" Tamsin passed some bedding over to him. It had an Irish flag on it. He raised an eyebrow. "I was in a rush" she shrugged and passed some Irish bedding to the others. "Thanks" Mikey said giving her a hug. "Am I interrupting something" A British voice asked. They looked to see a quiet blonde with a cross clip and blue eyes. The guy who spoke had blonde hair green eyes and caterpillars on his head. I mean bushy eyebrows. I shook my head. "You must be Mikey's new roomates- wait aren't you the guy who shouted that you weren't a stalk-" I was cut off by him."OUT NOW THANK YOU" He lightly shoved us out. "That was weird" Kerrie stated. "Tell me about it." Lauren joined in. We walked to our rooms. First was Lauren's. The sign on the door said the people in the room were Vash Zwingli, Mathias Køhler
and Elizaveta Héderváry. She walked in and we walked down the hall to our room. Everybody was going into their rooms now. We walked to Kerrie's room and saw a sign saying Heracles Karpusi, Feliks Łukasiewicz and Michelle Mancham. I let her go in and walked alone to my room. On the door it said Feliciano Vargas,Lili Zwingli and Eduard Von Bock. I opened the door and walked in. There was a guy on a top bunk who had brown hair with a weird curl who had his eyes closed but was talking on the phone about pasta. He had an Italian accent . Then on the bottom bunk was a blonde haired guy who was on his laptop. Lastly a fellow short haired girl with a purple ribbon was sitting on a single bed. I walked over to the window bed and made my Irish bed. I looked at the others who hadn't noticed me. The Italian was on a Italian flag bed,the one underneath was on a blue, black and white bed whilst the girl sat, reading a book on her blue and red bed. She noticed me looking and smiled. "You must be the new girl. I'm Lili" she shyly put her hand out. I took it and shook it. The Italian jumped off his bed"Veee Ciao Bella my name is Feliciano but you can call me Feli" He smiled giving me a hug. I just stood there awkwardly ,craning my neck since he was taller. The other guy came over pulling Feliciano off of me. "Hi I'm Eduard " The guy said shaking my hand. I shook it back."Hi I'm Tamsin" I said. "Would you like to sit with us for dinner?" He asked. "Uhh I might I mean I moved here with my friends so I'll pro-" I was cut off by Feliciano. "Veee your friends can come to " he said ,grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room,the others following us. Once we we're at the cafeteria we stood inline. I never really eat much at dinner. I spotted Hawaiian pizza there. "What would you like?" I was surprised . In tv shows cafeterias we're big and mean but this one was really nice. She was smiling at me. "3 slices of Hawaiian pizza please" I pointed. She gave it to me and I waited for the rest. I scanned the room for the others in my squad. Mikey was standing on a chair waving his arms like a maniac.I waved . Then Feliciano dragged me to where Mikey was at. The people at the table introduced themselves. "I'm Tamsin" I smiled. I ate my pizza but suprisingly was still hungry. I looked over to Mikey's plate. He had some noodles. "OMG Mikey look at that pretty girl" I nearly shouted. Everyone looked at me except Mikey who wanted to see a pretty girl. While his back was turned I stole some noodles while everyone chuckled a bit. I shoved them in my mouth. He was still staring. "What you staring at Mikey." He pointed to a girl who had brown hair and eyes. "Thats Michelle she is in my room" Kerrie butted in while I took one of Lauren's pizza. It was starting to get dark. "Goodnight" I said to my squad. "Night" They replied as I walked away. I went to my room and got changed into my marvel pajamas. Then I went on the internet before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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