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''What's so important that Des needs to see me so urgently?'' I kept my mind busy with Des while I drove into the carpark area of Chill's. It was deserted. Out of almost half a hundred of spaces, only a few were occupied. I made sure my car was locked before I pushed the front door open and walked in.

''Hey there.'' Des stood up just as he saw me and crushed his lips onto mine. Seriously, it really is HARD to resist. Des may really be a bad-boy, but he's still cute. And hot. And handsome. And really knows how to make a girl happy.

''Hey.'' I giggled. ''What's the prob? Everything alright?'' He brought me to an empty seat and sat down next to me. The truth is, all the seats are empty. ''What happened here? Its....'' I looked around to feel the lonely atmosphere. It's kinda creepy to be the only ones in such a restaurant that used to be fully booked every night.

''Well, today's its last day. Too much loss, I guess.'' He started playing with my hands.

''So? Everything ok? What's that you wanna talk 'bout?''

''Ok.'' He looked me in the eyes and breathed in hard. ''Roxanne, you have to listen to me, calmly. It's some kind of problem I faced at school and...I...I dropped out. Of school.'' He look at me, waiting for a response. I stared at him, unbelievably.

''Seriously? Is this some kind of joke? You're kiddin right?'' I smiled coldly. Des just looked at me and raised an eyebrow, telling me it IS real. It took me quite a minute to regain myself. ''Ok, so what's next? Any plans?'' I kept my eyes on my lap. I just don't know how to react to all these kind of problems.

''Kinda. I actually found a job at a pub near your house. It's called Bound. I will start working tomorrow as a bartender. High salary.'' I could feel his eyes on me. ''Hey babe. Everythin ok?'' He hold my hands in concern, and hold my chin to tilt my head up to look at him. I looked into his eyes and nodded, assuring everything is ok. He pulled me closer and slowly brought his warm, soft lips to my forehead. It was reassuring. I closed my eyes, thinking how my life would be if Des wasn't in it. Too terrible. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at him. ''Want something to eat? Salad?'' I just shook my head.

''It's getting late. I did better get going home before my mom starts calling me. Will call you when I reach home.'' I smiled at him and gave him a brief peck on his cheek before standing up. ''Bye.''

''Love ya.''

I pushed the door open. It's getting windy at night. Although the sky is dark, I could see that it would rain soon. I quickly walk-jog towards my car and drove off.Today is really not the best day for me.Too many things for my mind to process.

It started to pour on my way home. Silence accompanied me as I sped as fast as I could, but the road was too wet and slippery. I tried to on the radio to break the silence, but all I could hear was the buzzing sound. To stop all those unwishful thinking popping into my head, I started singing. My singing may really be awful, but at least it kept all those mind freaking stuff out of my head. And I won't want to mention what.

I sang for more than 10 songs before I finally drove my car into the garage. ''Phew, what a trip.'' I told myself before carefully entering the house. It's way past dinner time, and I would surely get a scolding from Mom, but I guessed it would be best to drag it till tommorow morning. I turned the key in slowly, and turned the bolt. I was relieved to see the lights were off. That means my parents have gone to bed, or maybe Mom would be in my room, checking my things out while waiting for me to reach home.

Slowly, I tiptoed up the stairs, two at a time, and rushed into my room. As I expected, Mom was sitting on my bed, waiting for me. ''Shit. I am so gonna get it.''

''You're late. Very late.'' She said without even looking up.She concentrated on her recently brushed fingernails, admiring them. I'm so dead.

''Sorry mom. Blame the rain.'' I said guiltily. Was it the rain to blame? Or Desmond?

''You didn't keep your promise and I don't care what excuse you have. You're grounded for a week.'' She looked up with a frown on her face. Mom was really angry with me, not keeping the promise I made when she found out I was dating Desmond. She stood up, intending to leave the room.

''Mom, can we talk for a minute?'' She looked at me for a minute, before turning back and sat down, while I walked towards my bed and sat down beside her. ''You see, I know you're worried about me. But sometimes I do think that I want the freedom I need. I know today is my fault for coming home late, and I am sorry. Please just don't ground me ok? Seriously please?" I gave her the most innocent look I can have. Her expression softened as she hold my hands in hers.

"Look Roxanne, it's not that I want to ground you, but you have to behave well. Do you understand?" She gave me a motherly look with her eyebrows raised. I was surprised by her. Is she asking me about that?

She stood up and walked towards the door. That's when I said, "Mom?" She turned around."Well, if you're asking 'bout that, I can reassure you that I'm still....You know...A virgin." "Oh my god that was just embarrassing. Seriously did you just said that word?" I mumbled. I look up and saw a smile on her face.

"Goodnight dear." She said before closing the door behind her. So that's what she is worrying about? My...Oh never mind. I laughed and went to the bathroom to clean myself up before changing into comfortable man-boxers and camisole and slipped into bed.

I laid there, thinking about all the things that had happened today.What should I do? I can't let Xavier Emerson keep pestering me like that. It's irritating. What about Des? Is he going to be alright? Will he slowly drift away from me? What about his future? Will everything turn out the way I want it to happen?

My eyesight blurred."Time for bed." My mind said. But I haven't figured things out. No!! Don't doze off!!NO!!!!!!!

"Let him go." "Let him go." "Let.....him.....go...." The words faded away, and a very irritating buzzing sound started to float in the surroundings.


I woke up, startled by the loudness of my alarm clock that now shows 7am. I lazily sat up, rubbing my eyes. I shuffled towards the bathroom, turned on the shower, and stepped inside the warm water. A new day. I decided not to think about anything that happened last night and start my day with no troubles. I dressed myself up with dark blue shorts and a silky sky blue sleeveless blouse, and kind of jumped off the stairs, in a hurry to school.

"Bye mom! I'm late for school!" I shouted before closing the door behind me. My car engine roared as I drove off smartly to school. A good start of the day.


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And here's a song that I love so much~Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson

And it's a very very nice and sad song!!!

Check it out!!


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