my best friends brother

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Falling for him




it's 6:30 in the morning. The alarm clock was so loud I put my head under my pillow and I rolled my eyes. I hit the clock with my hand. I got up to get in the shower. I got undressed and jack walked in I screamed jumped up then grabbed the towel and wrapped the towel around me then said, " GET OUT OF HERE YOU LITTLE TWERP! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?"

He said," But Mom told me to come tell you that may called and said she was going to be here in 20 minutes!"

"Tell her I said okay."

I got out of the shower and I put on a black blouse with diamonds and pink and blue short shorts for the first day of high school then I put on makeup. Then I walked down stairs and open the fridge and I got out a apple.   


I screamed "May is here I got to go". I walked outside to see James with her he is opening the door for me like a gentleman. When I see him I start to bluish but no one noticed because of my makeup. Junior year is all about girls for him. James is 16 years old and may and i are 15.

The whole time we were on way to go to school may gave me these looks but I ignored them. We got to school and when we were walking in he tried to kiss me and may saw so i pushed him away like i didn't like him. It is hard to pretend like i don't like him I also have to lie to may about that when she asks if I like him.

We went inside and went to the office to get our schedules then we got our locker combination then we went to class when I walked in the classroom all the boy were staring at me when i walked to my seat three boys came up to me and asked, "can we take a picture with you?"

I said,"NO!" then the teacher started to talk about since. 2 hours later I looked at the clock and it is time 2 period which is math.

When I went to 2 period I found out that James is in my class. I walked in and to see James was sitting in a chair right behind the chair I was walking towards. When the teacher started to talk James started to scoot closer to me. Then it was lunch time I got my lunch then I heard James screaming saying "come sit with me and my friends" so I did. Then after awhile it was time to go home.

best friends brotherWhere stories live. Discover now