wedding day

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Laito's point of view

I was waiting by the alter for the love of my life Phoenix to walk down the isle. I am so nervous right now what if I make mistake. Calm down everything's gonna be fine I told myself.

With Phoenix

Phoenix looked at herself in the mirror checking if everything was perfect. I'm so nervous nothing I make mistake. Calm down Phoenix everything's going to be okay you're marrying the love of your life you should be happy Phoenix told herself after one more check Phoenix was ready to go Phoenix walked out of the room she was waiting in then went up to two big wooden doors where Phoenix's father was waiting to give her away. When the doors open shu started to play the violin.

Back with laito

When I heard Shu playing his violin I looked up the isle I saw my best friend and my soon to be wife.when Phoenix finally reach the altar Phoenix gave her dad a quick hug then across from me. The preacher started the ceremony.

Vampire preacher: everyone we are gathered here today to bind this man and woman in
matrimony. Before we start with the vows if someone does not want this young couple to get married speak now or forever hold your peace( waiting a couple minutes) alright do you Laito take Venus to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Laito: I do

Vampire preacher: do you Phoenix take Laito to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Phoenix: I do

Vampire preacher: by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may give each other your rings and kiss the bride.

Me and Phoenix exchanged our rings then I pulled Phoenix into a passionate and loving kiss I heard clapping and cheering from everyone. Where in Phoenix through the bouquet it landed into subaru's hands. later at the reception everyone was having fun. Everyone danced and had fun even my brothers. After everyone left I took Phoenix to our new house which is right next to my old mansion where my brothers live. When I carried Phoenix into our new home I took her upstairs our new bedroom. after we got dressed in our night clothes. We climbed into bed cuddling with each other fall asleep in each others arms and besides our honeymoon is next week so I have to save some fun for that if you know what I mean.


I'm sorry I'm skipping over the honeymoon and besides you find out what happened on their honeymoon in the next part the very last part. I hope you enjoyed it so far

diabolik lovers laito x best friend ocWhere stories live. Discover now