Chapter One: Where My Demons Hide

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(A/N: Hey! My first fanfic on here! Yay! Kay, the vid above is for those who haven't seen it before... Other than that, enjoy! :3)

It was a clear day in Blacksheep: tranquil neighbourhoods bid their children goodbye as they boarded onto the yellow school buses. All except one: (y/n) was sleeping peacefully as her distant cousin grabbed his slate-grey satchel and walked out the door onto the street as he swallowed the last of his toast. Things couldn't be more typical. The girl rolled over face first onto her pillow with a contented moan as the bus drove out of the neighbourhood, body sprawled out similar to a starfish. The morning sun peaked behind her (f/c) drapes, the warmth tickling her toes but the teenager slept on. She then flopped onto her back again and sighed: another dream had ended and another was beginning to appear. Her forehead began to faintly sweat as her face clenched and quivered. Her head shot from one side to the other, her breathing becoming more rapid and heavy. "... Mom? ... Dad? ... Please... Wake up..." She murmured, taking her pillow and clutching it close to her chest. "... Who... Who did this to you?" The teenager asked, crying into the pillow. As if she had seen someone while she was asleep, (y/n) pointed to her bedroom light accusingly. "You... YOU DID THIS!!" She growled at the ceiling light. "HAAHH!!" Her eyes flew open as she lunged forward in her bed, cowlicks sticking up in all directions. It was then she realised it was that nightmare again. (Y/n) wiped her tears, remembering the terrifying memory.


It was during a thunderstorm she woke up one night to hear shuffling into her parents' room. Getting out of her bed and putting on her slippers, she assumed it was just her father or mother turning off the lights in the house. It was then a pair of bloodcurdling shrieks intertwined with a boom of thunder echoed down the hall. Racing into the room completely terrified, (y/n) called out to her parents. "M-M-Mom?! D-D-Dad?!" She cried, slamming the door open and racing to the corpses, hugging their heavy bodies to her chest. "... Mom? ... Dad? ... Please... Wake up..." (Y/n) sobbed. She looked up and saw a silhouette of an oddly dressed person. "You..." (Y/n) stood up and glared at the shadowy figure. "YOU DID THIS!!" She growled at it. As if it heard her, it lunged at her with it's knife and stabbed her. As she lost consciousness, it jumped down the window it shattered and was never seen again.


(Y/n) wiped her eyes and looked at the plate of food left for her: strawberry jam on toast. She smiled. Jonathan must have left for school already. Picking up the plate, she took a big bite of her toast, savouring the delicious taste. He didn't like to admit it, but Jonathan was a really good cook; he would make (y/n) breakfast every morning because the doctor recommended that she didn't leave her bed unless absolutely necessary. A note was sitting beside her meal as always: 'Lunch is sandwiches. You should get some exercise and walk down and get it.' (Y/n) grinned; for a distant cousin, Jonathan cared a lot. He hadn't revealed a lot of kindness lately though; he had been rushing a lot and seemed to be talking to himself, voices and everything. (Y/n) sighed and looked on her iPad: she typed updates on Wattpad for her fanfictions and messaged her friends. They all wanted her to be better and get back to school. She sighed loudly: it had been only a week since she heard of the Sowachowski family stabbing. (Y/n) was always curious about the boy who had died that night; the news app on her phone claimed he was her age when he died. She looked at her phone and was surprised to see the clock display 2:07. Her stomach growled: it was an hour until Jonathan came back from school and complain about an annoying boy at school again. As she put on her slippers she thought about the boy her cousin talked about: he was the only boy who befriended him but wanted Jonathan to kill himself. She sighed as she shuffled to the kitchen; probably just school life getting to him. Suddenly, the door slammed open with an audible sigh. (Y/n) squeaked and hid behind the kitchen door: it was Jonathan home way earlier than usual. He walked to the fridge and saw something, rather someone, in it.

"Hey hot stuff! See something you like?" A voice asked jokingly.

Jonathan sighed in annoyance and closed the fridge. "I think I lost my appetite..." He grumbled. "Why are you still here?" He growled in annoyance as the top of a person went through the fridge door.

"Huh?" (Y/n) rubbed her eyes in disbelief as she saw another boy in an oddly-adorable outfit pestering her cousin. Was he a ghost or something? Or was she dreaming again?

The boy literally slid out of the fridge door. "I think the more appropriate question, is why are you still here?" He replied with a cute curious face.

"Uh, because you suck at your job?" Jonathan scoffed as (y/n) snuck around to see what was happening.

"I-... I-I suck at my job? I... I suck at my job?" The boy adjusted the yellow goggles at the top of his head. "Jonathan, do you really think I suck at my job?!" The other boy sounded offended.

"U-U-Uh-Uh-Uh..." (Y/n) stuttered pointing at the ghost with a shaky hand.

"(Y/N)!! What are you doing out of bed?!" Jonathan scolded, racing to her side.

"Uh-U-U-Uh... J-J-J-Jonathan, i-i-i-is i-i-it j-just m-me, o-or i-is th-th-there a-a g-ghost i-i-in th-the h-house, r-r-right th-there?" (Y/n) stuttered more in fright.

"Wait... You can see me? Like... Really and truly see me?" The boy asked, eyes wide and his hands lifted up similar to Tyrannosaurus rex claws. "I-I thought only Jonathan could see me... Mephastopholies told me himself that only Jonathan could and no one else..."

"Mephastopholies?" (Y/n) questioned.

"His imaginary friend." Jonathan replied matter-of-factly. "He talks to himself a lot and uses that guy as an excuse."

"Hey!" Sock interjected. "You just can't see him... Yet..."

"What do you mean, yet?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well... Jonathan's gotta kill himself before he can see him..." Sock looked off to the side. "It's kinda my job..." He murmured, stroking his scarlet scarf ends.

"But you suck at it." Jonathan glared at the demon. "I'm still alive." He crossed his arms. "For good reason too."

Sock sighed. He felt he wasn't going to get through to him. "But I do a good job trying, right?!" He asked, hanging off the teenager before being flung across the room towards the sandwiches.

"It's not like you know what I'm like." Jonathan took his satchel bag off and glared at the demon.

"Name: Jonathan Combs." Sock stood up and glared back. "Age: Teen. Eyes: Perpetually half-lidded. Hair: Animation."

"Wh-What?!" Jonathan stepped back in shock. "H-H-How did you-?"

Sock smirked and took the plate of sandwiches. "Dislikes: Most of the things..." He took a slobbery bite of the food, grinning like a maniac at Jonathan's twisted face. "Likes: ... Sandwiches ..." The demon gave a toothy grin and floated up to the teenager. "... Probably not any more, though..." He spat food all over Jonathan's face twitching with rage.

"THAT'S IT!!!" Jonathan yelled at the demon who stopped chewing. "YOUR NEW JOB IS TAKING CARE OF (Y/N)!!!" He put on his purple headphones in rage.

"So your actually gonna kill yourself?" Sock asked eagerly.

"NO!! GOD, IS THAT ALL YOU CAN THINK OF?! I WOULD NEVER KILL MYSELF FOR YOU!!" He growled as got out his music player and pressed the play button.

"Jonathan, how could you just abandon me? I don't even know him!" (Y/n)'s eyes welled up with tears. "I don't want to loose you too!"

Jonathan turned the volume up and walked past the two of them. "Not my problem any more. Sort it out for yourselves." He said, emotionless. But he turned around slightly to look at (y/n); she collapsed to the ground, sobbing loudly as 'Small Prayer' from one of her favourite animes, Fruit Basket, rang in his ears. "I'm sorry, (y/n)... But I can't take care of two troublemakers at once..." He said, small tears in his eyes as he walked into his room.

"Wait, you can see me?" Sock X Reader (Welcome To Hell)Where stories live. Discover now