Chapter 6

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I wore my inner grey sando and red/grey/white checkered polo and didn't botton it and short shorts and my black and white shoes.

I put on the DogTag Satoshi gave me and his name is written on it but in Japanese letters.

"Ayyiee~~ She wore the DogTag~" Hazel tease as I ask.

"Well he's my Best Friend, Hazel" I said and took my headphones.

"You mean Best Boyfriend" She tease as I laugh sarcastically.

"Aw c'mon Scar! He's been sending you letters and gift this past 4 weeks and every morning when we open the door there's a note written there saying "Good Morning Scarlett have a Great Day!! Sukiyo! -Satoshi M."" Said the other one as I giggle.

"Yeah! And what does Sukiyo means anyway?" Hazel ask as I tongues her out.

"No fair, Scar!" She yelled.

"See you girls at the culture festival tonight" I told them and walk outside with Hazel and got in the car and Joshua was there.

"Heya!" He yelled.

"What the heck are you doing here!?" Hazel yelled.

"Satoshi invitede to come along! Why?" He said grinning.

I smile when I remember what Satoshi said.

They make a great couple hahaha.

I push Hazel in the car and got in.

"What was that for!?" She yelled rubbing her head and Joshua who is laughing so hard in the front seat.

"You were taking so long" I told her looking outside the window and heard her 'hmp.


We got off the car and luckily I didn't get chase again xD cause Dad's bodyguards are here but they arent in uniform did something I think.

Me, Hazel and Josh look walk inside then suddenly Josh charge where the foods are.

I face palm and turn to Hazel and she was gone!

I look where Josh is and they were both eating like heck O__O I sweat drop and walk in the building and search where the Butler and Maid Cafe is and its in the third floor.

I slide the door open and blush so hard when I saw the familiar face.

"Konnichi wa OjouSama" He said bow.

He's wearing a butler's uniform and his hair is (If you know Usui Takumi from Kaichou wa Maid Sama the episode during their culture festival as well and he's wearing a pilot uniform and his hair is I cant explain xD ung buhok ni Takumi katulad ng buhok ni Satoshi dito kaso black lang) I blush even more when he smile.

"Whoa! There's a Cafe!" I heard Josh and Hazel yelled as I sweat drop.

Satoshi laugh a bit makimg me blush even more.

Why am I acting like this!? I just didnt saw him for like 4 weeks and he's just a friend right?

I gulp as we walk inside and took a seat and he took our orders.

Minutes later our orders came and a Satoshi gave me a letter.

'Later at 4 go to our house don't worry I already told your parents and meet me at the field'

That Thing Called 'Love' (TagLish)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon