Chapter 1 - The strange Girl

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Chapter 1 - The strange girl.

The traffic chugged along the road like a slug as Reg was riding his bicycle, twisting and turning through the black exhaust fumes that bellowed from the cars. It was rush hour on the British roads when everyone was desperately trying to get to their destination.

Reg swept in front of an angry driver sitting in his car. BEEP! BEEP! Honked the horn before the man shouted.

'Watch where you're going, Kid!'

Reg took no notice to the mans rage, because suddenly pulling from a van, walked out a girl on a pair of great tall wooden walking stands.

'Watch out!' Shrieked Reg, but it was too late. In an desperate attempt to serve and miss her he rode right into one of her stands, sending her toppling over to the ground, and Reg falling off his bike.

'Timber!' Shouted one of the nearby driver is laughter driving pass. Reg looked all around him and saw his bike on its side, and the girl standing over him holding her hand out.

She was wearing a harlequin outfit with white makeup and red lipstick, that gave her the mysterious complexion.

Reg grabbed onto her and and thanked her for her help, just before she quickly yelped,

'Do you want to go with me to the magic mystic tour!?'

By now Reg could see the van she came from now leaving them behind and heading off into the traffic flow.

'Uh, whats the Magic Tour?' questioned Reg.

'You don't know?' the girl shouted excitedly, 'It's the greatest circus show on earth! With elephants, magic, and superhero's, that are real' she sniggered.

The girl was wearing makeup that had now smeared due to the collusion, with a weird, unnatural smile.

Stunned and confused by this girls rambles, Red decided quick move and then started to climb onto his bike to leave her, because he wasn't sure what he was talking about, and really didn't want to find out, plus he had school to go to.

'Well, that sounds funs..' He began 'But I must be on my way, I've got school today..' he said gingerly.

'You don't want to come with me' the girl said slowly in disappointment. Her voice deepened as smiling face began to crinkle up into a sinister frown.

Reg saw this and began to worry, so he started to pedal his blue bike quickly down the road away from her, leaving the twisted girl sinisterly standing in the road alone around the scattered standing poles.

That was weird, Reg thought to himself as he road as fast as he could in the opposite direction, I hope I never see her again!

Eventually after twisting through the alleyways and road turns, Reg finally made it to his secondary school. Everything after that was normal, the bell rung, he saw his friends, and did the lessons on his timetable. This mornings weird experience had made the day go faster than normal, because he was in deep thought about the strange girl, and what the magic tour she was talking about, but he brushed it off as a foolish prank she was playing on him.

Lunch time came, and he sat outside on his favourite creaky old wooden bench, away from everyone else and began to eat. He opened his lunch box and saw ham and cheese sandwich with apple juice, his favourite. He had just began to bite into his sandwich, until he heard an unexpected, high pitched voice.

'WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO COME WITH ME!' Screeched a loud whisper.

Shocked Reg turned around quickly and saw the girl sitting on the same bench as him, with her head faced to the ground, while wearing the same costume, with the makeup still smeared across her face.

Reg had no idea how she got there, but gave out a loud shriek at the site of her, and dropped his sandwich on the ground in shock.

'What do you want from me!' he pleaded.

'I want you to come with me, and join me in the magic tour!' The pale girl said, before quickly turning her head to Red giving a sickly, emotionless expression. Reg stood up in a terrified state while stepping away from her.

'Just leave me ALONE!' He warned while slipping away.

Still starting at him, the girl then began to grin ever so sightly and whispered quietly,


With that Reg fell down unconscious with everything fading black, hitting the ground hard.

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