Let me introduce myself.
My name is Tilly, short for Natalie. I live in a small town in England with my parents, I have a lot of personal issues, my life was extremely boring but I just had a feeling that this Warped tour would change everything. Please, let me explain my story.
UGH, I'm so tired. What time is it? whats the date? why is it dark? why am I awake? I slowly opened my eyes, rolled over and grabbed my phone checking the time 6:01AM, 14|11|2012, and in that minute all the sleep left my body and I was filled with energy and excitement. Holy shit, I'm going to London today. In 6 hours exactly. I let out a silent scream, grabbing my phone and happily walking to the bathroom, my friend was sleeping over as she was coming to London with me, so I had to be uber-quiet.
I grabbed my toothbrush, putting the toothpaste and water on and started playing my music, bring me the horizon, ofcourse. I loved the whole band and what they stood for. I finished brushing my teeth and making my way back to the bedroom, before I could enter my room I was greeted by my mum, who wakes at this time, every day.
"wow, you're up early. Shit the bed?" She laughed to herself.
"Oh mum, your jokes never seem to amuse me. good effort though." I laughed, loudly. Kissed her cheek and walked into my room.
"oi, you awake?" I whispered to Shauna. (Oh, shauna is my friend that is coming to London with me)
"Shauna?" I didnt want to wake her and put her in a bad mood, but I was so excited.
Nothing again.
I pushed her, hard.
"Woah, what the fuck are you doing you annoying little shit, I was dreaming about Ma-" She was angry, oh no.
"Wait, whats the fucking time? Its still dark out there!" She looked so pissed.
"Erm, 6:13. Sorry bu-" I went to finish my sentence before I was rudely interrupted.
"Oh wait, it doesnt even matter because ive just realised. LONDON TODAY!" A smile beamed across her face.
"I bloody know, come on get up we got so much too do."
(Let me explain, me and Shauna are heading up to London today. As Warped tour is on the 16th and 17th and we wanted to spend some time up London before. Also, we had VIP tickets for the backstage party with the bands. I dont know how we got them, I think its because I knew the right people, but either way. There was only 4 VIP tickets going, so we was amazingly excited.)
She crawled out of my bed, and stumbled on to the floor, nearly falling head first into my coffee table, I tried to hold back laughing. Failing miserably, she just looked up and grunted, smiling herself.
Shauna left the room to go get dressed, when she left I walked over to my draws, pulled out my black skinny jeans and red plaited shirt and threw them on, I was so tired, but there was no way I could sleep knowing that tonight I was sleeping in the hotel where all the bands were.
I made my bed, and slumped myself on it, waiting for sunrise too start.
20 minutes past, and the skies were still black, this was one of the reasons I hated winter, I turned my lamp on, and left the room too go make coffee.
The next few hours went really fast, before we knew it, it was half eleven. Only half hour to go till we got to hit the road, my dad was driving us because there was no way I was taking my car up.
By quater to twelve we was all packed up, filled with excitement and just about to get into the car, I couldnt believe it, we were going BACK to warped tour, we was both beyond excited and really couldnt contain it.

Warped tour or the beginning of the end?
FanfictionTilly and Shauna are super excited to head back too warped tour. But will things turn out the way they expected when they get involved with the bands, and will Tilly and Oli ever forget their past?