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My blood boiled, and my chest ached as I threw my body on Mika. She fell to the ground with a soft wince, and I held her tightly against my body like anyone would dare to rip her from my arm.

Her breath came out shaky and ragged as she threw a hand around my waist, her lips pressed against the side of my neck.

She was trembling against my body. I could feel how warm she was, and the smell of her shampoo lurking in every corner of my chest making it hard to breathe.

        I glanced up and looked for the shooter. For a second, I thought it was the fucking Irish, but I was shocked when I caught a glimpse of my men arguing.

It was fucking Lucky and Igor. I didn't know what the hell they were arguing about, but it'd almost cost me something I was beginning to care about these days.

        I reached for the gun beneath my waistband, flicked the safety off and aimed it right in Igor's knee.

It was a warning shot. A shot that demanded silence from everyone. Igor fell on the ground almost instantly, hissing and directed his gaze towards me.

I didn't know what he saw on my face but whatever it was—it seemed to have stunned him into silence.

        My gaze found Pavel who was on the hunt for both men, dragging them away.

        I turned my focus back to the woman in my arms. The drugging scent of her skin and the soft outline of her body against my palm.

There was a certain tightness in the back of my throat I couldn't understand as I stared at her.

        She'd always seemed bigger than life itself but, in this moment, she felt so small in my arms.

I couldn't help but want to hold her tight and never let go where no one was going to touch a strand on her head as long as I lived and breathe.

        "Is it over?" She murmured against my skin.

        I threw a glance at Pavel who nodded. "Yeah."

        I released her, standing up and pulled her to her feet with a tug. Her cheeks were flushed, her lip was wobbly, and my heart ached.

She exhaled a rough breath then began to fix her hair and dress. I watched her as she adjusted the straps of her dress—a dress that gave me a fucking headache the minute I saw it.

        I called for Pavel when she seemed to be done. "I have business to attend to. Pavel will take you home." I told her.

        I didn't need the headache of another fucking shootout. She'd been through too much already and we just got here. I needed her home where I knew she would be fucking safe.

        "We just got here."

        "Mika." I stared at her with a tight expression. "Go home with Pavel."

        Those soft brown eyes captured mine, and I couldn't look away. "I want to stay."

        I knew she wouldn't change her mind. She was a stubborn little thing at times.

        "Fine." I gestured for Pavel as I tucked the gun back into my waistband. I turned to Pavel, staring him down with a hard look. "Svoyey zhizn'yu."

        "Da, Boss."

        I nodded then walked away without sparing another look at her.

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