A walk down memory lane

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Alright here's chapter two enjoy! (bold means flashback!)


Chapter two

Lucy placed her head against the cold window of the police cruiser that was taking her back to the motel she was currently staying at. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes as she thought about the events that had just unfolded before her. After Jeff had run off the police had arrived apparently someone did hear her cries for help and phoned them.

"Freeze! Put your hands where I can see them!" One of the officers said through a megaphone.

Lucy instantly threw her hands up noticing the guns that were pointed at her. The cops came rushing toward her guns at the ready in case she tried anything which of course she was far to frightened to do. When they apprehended her they started to question her asking what she was doing here, what the name of the dead man was, and how he had been killed. Lucy took a deep shaky breath and told them what happened. She explained that she was walking home from the local bar when the man who had harassed her there tried pulling her into the alley to have his way with her. She explained that as she tried to get away she tripped and fell and that when she turned around there was another man standing there and that was all she could remember. When asked she said that she didn't get a good look at the man who had saved her and killed John and that he also never showed his face to her. The officers believed her story and sent one of them to drive her home.

When they arrived the officer asked if she needed him to walk her to her door. She smiled politely at him and said no the officer nodded and drove off. Once inside her room, Lucy fell onto the bed suddenly completely exhausted. She laid there for a few moments before pushing herself off the queen sized bed and walking over to her suitcase and retrieving an old photo. The photo showed three teens smiling at the camera one girl with two boys. The girl has long mid-back length curly red hair, light green eyes, and pale skin she was smiling wide as one of the boys was hugging her their cheeks touching. The boy hugging the girl had long light brown hair, piercing green eyes, and semi tan pale skin. The last boy looks younger than the other two and was standing in front of them smiling as he made a peace sign with his hand. He had short dark brown, clear blue eyes, and the same semi tan pale skin as the older boy.

Lucy smiled to herself as she recalled that day in her mind. The picture was taken on a warm sunny day and she, Jeff, and Liu were hanging out.


"Jeff and Lucy sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!" Liu sang teasing his older brother and their best friend.

"Liu!" Jeff said blushing red in embarrassment.

"Oh come on Jeff. I know you like her." Liu said winking with a smirk.

"Liu, I don't think his face can turn another shade darker." Lucy with a light blush on her face.

"What? Lucy don't tell me you like him back!" Liu said with an evil smile playing across his face.

"N-No." Lucy stuttered.

"You guys are no fun! Besides everyone can tell you two like each other." Liu said pouting.

"Do not!" Lucy and Jeff yelled simultaneously.

They turned and looked at each other in surprise and quickly looked away blushing once again.

"I don't know. I think Liu is right." Margaret, Jeff and Liu's mom said walking out of the house.

"Mom!" Jeff groaned rolling his eyes.

"What? I think you two would make a cute couple." Margaret said.

"See! Mom can tell too!" Liu said.

"I don't like her like that." Jeff lied looking at the ground.

Lucy said nothing a look of hurt crossed her face before she quickly hid it.

"Then you won't mind if I sweep her off her feet." Liu said throwing his arms around Lucy pulling her close and nuzzling her.

"Hey!" Jeff yelled as he pushed Liu off Lucy and pulling her into a protective embrace.

"Ha! Ha! I knew it!" Liu cheered smiling wide.

"This is defiantly picture worthy. Smile kids!" Margaret smiled aiming a camera at them.

(one month later)

"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" Lucy said holding back tears as Jeff and Liu hugged her.

"We'll miss you too Lucy." Liu said pulling away.

Jeff said nothing he just stood there his light brown hair covering his eyes. Liu looked nervously from Jeff to Lucy.

"I'll leave you two alone to say good-bye." He said getting into the car.

"Jeff... I'm really gonna miss you." Lucy said looking at the ground feeling her face heat up.

Jeff remained silent staring at her from behind his hair.

"Jeff are you..." Lucy didn't get to finish her sentence before Jeff wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"J-Jeff?" Lucy questioned as Jeff's hug tightened. Lucy's face being pressed against his chest.

Lucy didn't say anything else, she just wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek against him. She took a deep breath taking in his scent. Jeff pulled away slightly looking into her shining green eyes. He slowly leaned toward her and gently kissed her. It was a brief and quick kiss but it still caused Lucy's heart to explode with pure happiness.

"J-Jeff..." Lucy whispered trying to look into his eyes which were still hidden behind his hair.

"Good-bye Lucy." Jeff whispered tears falling down his face.

Lucy felt him shove something into her pants pocket as he hugged her one last time before he got into the car. Lucy watched as the car disappeared from view finally allowing the tears she was holding back fall. She let out an uncontrollable sob causing her to fall to her knees hugging herself as she touched her lips.


Lucy flipped over the photo and felt tears once again threaten to fall as she read what Jeff had written before shoving it into her pocket that day.

'I'll await dear, a patience of eternity, my crush. A universal still, no rust. No dust will ever grow on this frame, one million years, I will say your name. I love you more than I could ever scream. We booked our flight those years ago, I said I loved you as I left you. Regrets still haunt my hollow head, I promise you, that I will see you again.'

-The Mortician's Daughter (Black veil brides.)

Lucy felt a smile on her lips as the song the lyrics where from played in her head.

"Even though it didn't happen the way either one of us planned. You still kept your promise to me." Lucy whispered clutching the photo close to her chest as she curled into a ball on the bed, her eyelids becoming heavy and slowly closing.


Well, chapter two is finally done!!! Woot! *Dances around." A special thanks to Pandahuggles123 for your amazing comment! It made my day! Please don't forget to leave comments, vote, and follow maybe! Chapter three is currently being written.

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