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Seungkwan had the best sleep that day. He was so happy coming home that he couldn't stop jumping around in the house. The same reaction could be seen by members of Seventeen from S.coups who was dancing and jumping around like crazy as if he won a lottery. He narrated the whole story to his members and the rest couldn't wait for their turn.

The next day, lazy Jeonghan was quick on his feet to plan out his day for today. He was excited and without any hesitation, dialed Seungkwan's number. After a few rings, Seungkwan picked up the phone. With his sleepy adorable voice, Seungkwan said, "Hello... Seungkwan speaking... Who is this?" "Omo... You are too cute for my heart early in the morning!" "Wh-what?" And it was the time Seungkwan came back into his complete senses, embarrassment washing over him, and he cut the call, squealing and hiding his face under the blanket. A sudden message pop up made him come out of his blanket, and Seungkwan's cheeks started flaring with the message he read.
"Baby... Stop being shy... You are too cute... Anyways I want to inform you that let's have an evening together and then dinner at my penthouse. If you aren't comfortable, you can tell me what you have planned... Love you!"
Seungkwan was happy... Jeonghan was concerned about his comfort and would rather drop his plans. So Seungkwan texted back saying, "Let's go by your plan. We can watch movies and have nice chat..." "Alright baby... I will pick you up at 6:00..."

Seungkwan smiled and decided to go to the cafe up until afternoon. After he was ready, he walked up to the cafe. Cafe wasn't so busy that day and Seungkwan couldn't be more thankful. As the time permitted, Seungkwan was quick to leave the cafe. Even though it wasn't an meeting at outdoors, Seungkwan still wanted to look presentable and professional, unlike his messy self. He wanted Jeonghan to have a very nice impression of himself. Whole day at cafe, Seungkwan had already decided his outfit and accessories. As soon as he reached home, the first thing he did was to remove each piece of clothing from his closet he had
pre-decided. A pink hoodie with short loose light blue jeans which reached upto this knees, and white sneakers. He wore a small pendent and bracelet which was gifted to him by his mother. Satisfied by his outfit, Seungkwan checked the time. He still had half an hour to go. So he started watching phone to pass out his time meanwhile.

Time skip-
Jeonghan was already upfront and Seungkwan was walking towards him. They made a brief eye contact, both of their hearts racing at same pace. A brief hug was shared between the two and started driving towards an unknown location. Soft music played in the background as both of them were talking about anything and everything. As the car stopped by, Seungkwan noticed something odd. He looked at Jeonghan with a questioning gaze and asked, "Don't tell me your penthouse is inside a Photoshoot Booth?" "Nah baby... Are you serious right now!? We are here to just click some pictures and then go to penthouse." "Alright alright... Let's go!"

Seungkwan didn't wait for Jeonghan to come out and lead the way. Instead he just ran inside the booth and started roaming around. It was huge and pretty. Immediately a photographer who also knew who Jeonghan was immediately bowed to both Seungkwan and Jeonghan, leading the way towards costumes and accessories. As they picked what to dress up, Seungkwan suggested he pick an outfit for Jeonghan and vice-versa, to which Jeonghan compiled easily. They clicked too many pictures in different poses... Funny... Serious... Cute... Dorky... Every type...

They were heading towards the penthouse... Finally... Seungkwan and Jeonghan were tired, clicking so many pictures, then selecting them. It was already 8 and Jeonghan not even bothering to do anything, already ordered food from outside. They would be at the penthouse by the time food arrives, Jeonghan was sure if that. Both Seungkwan and Jeonghan said nothing... Too tired... But had a comfortable silence lingering around. It was peaceful to both of them.

Many turns came in and finally the large wooden penthouse was in the view. It was magestic. It looked so beautiful and cozy from outside that Seungkwan already felt like heaven seeing this. As Jeonghan parked the car, Seungkwan was already trying to capture all the details of the masterpiece house in front of him. "Let's go inside Kwan!" Seungkwan was brought back to earth by Jeonghan's soft voice. He looked at his side, turning his face towards Jeonghan's handsome beauty. Honestly was pretty... Prettier than any person he has ever met... He was like an angel himself... God surely loved Jeonghan to give him possesion of such a rare and beautiful beauty. And without any more words, Jeonghan grabbed Seungkwan's hand, leading him to the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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