Suigetsu lemon

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Character : Suigetsu

Request : Mimi_Uzumaki ( hope you enjoy hehe.. (~_^)

There was darkness, at first.  It was the sort of darkness that suffocated, that wound about bodies and carcasses and poisoned.  It was the sort of darkness that shattered all forms of light.  And then, there were soft whispers.  Gentle, gentle, hands drifting over skin that Suigetsu could not see, because darkness had taken his sight and his voice.  But not his thoughts, not his feeling.

In the beginning, the gentle voice and the gentle hands told him not to be afraid, he was safe, he could rest as long as he wanted, forever even.  But the word 'forever' had varying degrees of darkness intermingled with it, and Suigetsu didn't like the darkness.  He wanted to be free of it.  So later, when the gentle voice and the gentle hands whispered to him that he should wake up, open his eyes, see, he tried his best to listen.

The darkness had twisted the light so much that his first attempt at seeing failed miserably.  He hissed at the light, which was close to blinding, so brilliant that he thought he'd never be able to face it.  But then, the gentle voice and the gentle hands guided him, gave him courage, and he tried again.  The second time, the brilliance was less mesmerizing.

His sight came surprisingly fast to him, but his voice was another thing entirely.  It took him almost two full days to work up the strength to say even the barest of words, and the woman who had the gentle voice and the gentle hands didn't fully understand him.  It took him a full week to fix that connection.

"Where are…where are my…?" weakness scrabbled at the edges of his unfinished words.  A soft hush sounded from the woman who he had yet to really study.  His eyes were still weak, still adjusting to the blinding light.  He could barely move. 

Gentle hands soothed over his forehead.  Her gentle voice murmured, "The dark haired man, he carried you here, dropped you rather rudely at my doorstep.  He told me to look after you and then left with your red haired companion.  I don't know where they are.  He said he'd be back to collect you."  He heard the sound of water and then, a moment later, the cloth at his forehead was replaced by a newer, fresher one.  It felt heavenly.

"Do not worry," the gentle voice told him, ringing out the old cloth and dragging it down his neck and over the top of his chest that the blankets didn’t cover.  "You are safe here.  When you are ready to walk, and can properly see and speak, you may even find a home in these woods."

But he shook his head, unbelieving, uninterested in her words.  He scrabbled at weak, breathless, unfinished sentences, as though trying to explain.  "No…have to go…help…I-" he let out a low moan and seemed to sink further into the fever that had erupted within him.  Madly, he mumbled, "Have to collect…swords…fate…need to…"  The words didn't stop until gentle hands were pressing delicately to his closed eyes.  Then, her fingers lit up with gentle green chakra, and he was silenced.

"Sleep," she told him, pushing his hair from his eyes.  "Regain your strength."  His handsome face flattened out into peaceful slumber beneath her watchful gaze.


"Do you wish to eat?"

Suigetsu turned his head, looking at the woman he had come to know quite well.  The past few months had seen her nursing him back to nearly full health.  Now, he was able to walk short distances, see and speak fully, and he also had almost full control of muscle and chakra reflexes.  He also came to realize just how close to death he had been when Sasuke had unwittingly dropped him off here.

"…Tea?" she wondered again when he didn't respond.  She gave him her soft smile and went to sit beside him.  A soft breeze blew past them, as though in greeting.  She put down the tray she'd been carrying and then handed him a small cup of green tea.  He glanced at the tray's other contents and noticed that she'd also prepared miso soup and onigiri. 

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