Part 1

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My life had always been up and down, I can't remember too much about my actual childhood, just what I had been told. I knew I placed into care, the system told me it was all my parent's fault, or course they did, not that I didn't blame my parents, they must have been unable to care for me in some  way for me to have become there in the first place. I do remember Jean and Simon, I was 3, I was supposed to go and live with them for good, everything was supposed to change for me. What actually happened was something different, Jean's daughter had tried to drown me in the bath because she was jealous that I had become an object of her parent's affections. I was 5 when I returned to the system. I guess when you hit a certain age you are no longer appealing to the couples who are trying to adopt, I guess 5 was too old. I had only one other couple take an interest in me after Jean and Simon. Their interests soon stopped when they saw one of the other girls who had recently came to the system. They snapped her up, just like that. Nothing more for me. 

I did have friends though, we were all together in the same place, once you are there you don't leave. We all attended school together, the best and the worst of times. We always had our hopes built up and yet hardly any of us were to make anything of ourselves. 

Jon was my best friend, we had been in the system together since he came along at 9, I was 4 at that time, yet we grew up and were close, we stayed together in that place. Time changed us and he had girlfriends and many other people in his life but I was always there for him. At 14, we became more than friends, did it worry me that he was older, he was only 18 and I knew him inside out, it was natural. Our whole relationship was built on who we were and how we had everything snatched from us at a young age, yet it was love. 

My grades were dreadful once I had left school, everything fell apart for me at 16. Jon was 20 at this point and he had found his calling, he was off to wrestle. He was off to live his dreams, I was left behind, I was picking up the pieces of myself he had left behind. 


"Miss Fields, did you need me to stay and wait?" My driver, Henry, asked me as he opened the limo door for me to get out. 

I looked him up and down, "I do wish you would smarten yourself up Henry, you are my chauffeur, you are representing me." 

He nodded at me, "Sorry ma'am." 

"Oh and please wait for me, I am simply nipping up to see Joseph." I picked up my handbag from the seat and headed into the apartment block, the doorman nodded to me, his signal that I was allowed here, just to let everyone know that I could come and go as I please. My fiancé lives here you see, the whole place is full of high earners and people who come from money, my husband to be, Joseph Thomson.

I headed over to the elevator, my heels banging against the floor as I walked. I stepped into the elevator and up to my fiancé's apartment, I slipped out of the elevator before I rummaged in my handbag and pulled out the keys. I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned it before letting myself into the apartment. 

My ears were listening to a woman's voice, a woman's voice that sounded like she was having more fun that she should be with a nearly married man. I stormed through to the bedroom, there was no mistaking the fun they were having even when they both saw me and scrambled to compose themselves and cover themselves. 

"Shanna," Joseph shouted as I turned and walked away. "Shanna, it's not what it looks like."

Did he think I was stupid? Of course it was how it looked. They were having sex, what more was there to it?

"Shanna," his hand was on mine as I got to the door, he was completely naked but here he was fighting for me. "Shanna, it's not what you think."

"Tell me what it is then?" I asked him as I hitched my handbag up on shoulder. "Was it some kind of accident? Don't tell me it was a one time thing."

The blonde girl appeared behind him, she was fully dressed and looked pretty sheepish. 

"Don't leave on my account," I told her, "You can have him." I looked at Joseph and took my hand back from him, "You enjoy yourself."

I left him there with the door wide open as I got in the elevator to return to my home, no way was I standing there and listening to his excuses, no way was I putting up with a cheater in my relationship. Joseph was really a distraction for me, someone who made me feel special when I needed it, the fact we were going to get married was for security, was for my life to feel normal. We did love each other, in our own ways, this though it was like being punched in the stomach. I knew we weren't exactly the most loving and sexual couple but I thought he had more respect for me than this. I would have thought he would have had more respect for himself, what happens when the truth comes out in the news? Joseph Thomson, property millionaire and cheater, does he cheat you out of a few bob or your bed?

Oh he had to be careful. 

"Miss Fields," Henry called over to me once he saw me, I had been standing in my own thoughts once I had left the elevator, I hurried over and climbed into the back of the limo with Henry closing the door. Once he was in his seat he turned to me, "Would you like to go home Miss?"

I shook my head, "I think I would to do a bit of shopping." I smiled at Henry before I pulled my mobile from my bag, I felt the engine start and Henry started our journey. My fingers travelled around to the sound system and turned it on to hear the radio, which was a classical station just playing softly in the background as I used my phone. 

Joseph had texted and begged me not to talk to anyone, especially not the press, I guess he knew what I could do to him and his business. I had a few notifications from my facebook, just the usual game requests and a few new friend requests, I seriously didn't understand why I still had it installed on my phone, I had no time for it. 

I felt the car stop and I sighed, "Why have we stopped?" I asked Henry as I looked out of the window seeing we were still in traffic. 

"There seems to be a jam up ahead Miss," he told me calmly. "I am sure we won't be here long."

I raised an eyebrow before returning to my mobile, I closed the panel behind me and Henry and made a call to my PA Shelly, "Hello?" I said once she had answered. 

"Shanna?" She questioned on hearing my voice "What's up?" 

I sighed, "I am going shopping,-" I was cut off when I heard the door open, instead of Henry there was a guy letting himself into the back of my limo and closing the door behind him. "Excuse me?" I looked at this guy as I placed my phone back into my bag. "Can I help you?"

He didn't look around me just kept his eyes out the window. "I'll be two minutes and then I'll be away." Two minutes who did he think he was? Although I had to admit that voice, it sounded very familiar, I couldn't place it. 

"No." I snapped, "You'll leave now or I will be calling the police." 

"I'll be gone by the time you even get through to someone on the phone."

This guy was cocky, it was ridiculous. "How dare you? You get into my vehicle and start telling me what you are going to be doing." I edged closer to where he was. "Get out now or I will kick you out myself." 

"Look," the guy seemed to be getting irritated by me "I don't know who you think you are but I don't take threats from a woman." He finally looked at me, I knew those eyes, I knew him, I guess from the shocked look on his face he recognised me too. "Shanna?"

I narrowed my eyes at him now, "I mean it now, get out." I pointed to the door, "This is your final warning."

He looked at me one final time, a sad look on his face before he climbed out of my limo, defeated. 

What is it with the men in my life?

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