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As she stepped her way through the tall, dark grass she found herself at a house. A large, once loved house that had been a home to many. Lucy could tell, it had been years since anyone had inhabited or cared for this house. The absence of slippers meant her walking was unsteady but as she was faced with the dull grey door towering over her small frame, she sensed something wasn’t right. A sickly feeling in her stomach as she reached for the stained and rusted brass door knocker. As she was about to knock, the door creaked open.

  Fear clutched onto Lucy’s heart, she was glued to the porch. She cautiously peeked inside but the door wasn’t open wide enough and all she could see was darkness. She pushed the door slightly and as she did, a disgusting, vile smell reached the air around her. She found herself in a hallway, dimly lit by the moonlight in which Lucy had invited in as her only companion. Her companion hesitated to join her as she walked further along the hallway and up the stairs. Every step she took seemed to draw her more and more to the repugnant stench that was supposedly coming from upstairs.

 As she took the last step of the spiralling stair case, a hallway with three wooden doors stood boldly in front of her. The moonlight shone dimly through the window next to the door at the end of the hall. Lucy listening to her companion and she slowly made her way to the white, wooden door surrounded by sickly, deep blue wallpaper. Her hand began to shake as she reached for the brass door knob: the stench had become too strong for Lucy to handle and as she twisted the door knob and it opened, she closed her eyes and gulped.

 It was a bedroom with romantic crimson walls. The stench seemed to disappear as she curiously made her way around the room. Lucy suspected it had once belonged to a young girl as she found a number of things such as a broken glass, hand held mirror and a petite, silver perfume bottle with engraved roses around it. As Lucy looked at the white wooden bed in the corner of the room, a sudden flash back of light in her eyes appeared and then vanished in the blink of an eye. The bed was neatly made and the sheets contained a thin layer of dust.

  Lucy’s heart seemed to ache and draw her to the bed at the same time. A low, sinking feeling filled her stomach and the stench became even worse than before. Lucy leaned down next to the bed and slowly, lifted up the white sheets to reveal under the bed. Darkness. She slowly reached her ghostly white hand, which seemed even more porcelain and ghostly in the moonlight as she reached out. Lucy jerked and her hand shot out of the bed. Something didn’t feel right.

  Lucy slowly, bent forward to look under the bed and as she did, things became clear. Lucy was startled as she was faced with what seemed, a young girl, probably the one whom had lived in this room. The girl’s face and long blonde hair faced away from Lucy but as Lucy looked closer and closer, the girl’s head rapidly turned to face Lucy and she was faced with her own, pleading eyes.

The world was grey. Lucy was in the door way and she saw herself, looking at her fair complexion in the glass mirror. Suddenly, Lucy felt a gust of wind and a man walked right through her. He stormed towards the startled Lucy with the mirror. He grabbed her by the throat and her Lucy watched as her hand fell limp and the mirror smashed upon the ground. The man appeared to be shouting but all Lucy could hear was the silence amongst the trees outside. He held the young girl against the wall, his hand reached into his back pocket where he brought out a small pocket knife. Lucy ran over to the man, shouting and screaming but he didn’t hear or see her. As he repeatedly plunged the knife into the other Lucy’s throat, romantic, crimson blood sprayed the walls entirely. When he was finished, he stuffed her lifeless body under the bed and ran from the room. 

 Lucy picked up a broken piece of jagged glass and looked at her own complexion.  Her throat was full of wide, gaping holes but she didn’t feel any pain apart from her aching heart. Why had her Father done this to her? No memories filled her mind as she quietly sobbed in which had once been her bedroom. In which had once been her loving home filled with a loving family. She fell to her knees and looked up at the night sky. No stars, no moon. She felt a fragile hand rest upon her shoulder. Lucy sat with her dead self as they watched the seeping darkness for eternity, and still are.

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