Chapter 16: I need a pep-talk

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Unedited-feel free to point out my mistakes.

Chapter 16: I need a pep- talk

After telling Adam the story of my life basically, the ride became a relaxed quiet one.

Sort of.........

"AUBREY!!!! I AM DYING OF HUNGER," Maya screamed from the back seat for the dozenth time.

I scratched my neck impatiently, "Dont worry Maya we will he food in a minute."

"But," Maya whined, "but you said that like FIVE YEARS AGOOO!!"

"No, I said that five seconds ago when you asked."

I saw her bottom lip jut out and felt myself soften a little, "Aubrey....."

"There's a McDonalds at the next right if we need to stop," Adam stated.

"Okay," I said running my hands through my hair, "we will order inside."

I looked to Adam and gave him a small smile, "I will pay you back, okay?"

He smiled, "It's fine, you don't need too."

Now anybody else would have been "Oh please no I want to pay you back" unfortunately I'm a human being and if he says I don't have to pay him back.....

"Okay," I said trying to sound like I felt slightly guilty and hated being such a burden.

He gave me a smile a if to say that it was fine, and turned to the right.

He drove a few minutes till we got to the McDonalds and I flipped down the mirror to see if I resembled te living dead.

No offense Kelsey or

I took a look at myself, confirmed I look like I had went through the apocalypse, and shit the mirror noting that I couldn't do anything without a shower.

Adam got out of the car and came around and opened the door to let Maya and I out.

"Thanks," I said as my feet touch the pavement.

He lifted Maya out and say her on the ground.

"Uhhhhh," I said rubbing my ass, my butts numb."

Adam smirked and closed the car doors and walked behind us into McDonalds.

I wet straight to the bathroom and attempted to put my hair up and then splashed cold water under my face.

After I finished making myself look at least like a human being, I walked to the table where I saw Maya and Adam sitting with a mound of hamburgers.

I think I'm in love.

I walk towards the table and sit down next to the pile of hamburgers and put my hand graciously on Adam's arm, "Thank you. A lot."

"It's no problem, I didn't know how much your....," he glanced around and lowered his voice, "kind ate, but I thought better safe then sorry."

"It's fine and we do need to eat a lot because we have very high metabolisms."

"So you like eat what you want and it burns itself off?"


"Dude, that's sick," he says looking at me curiously.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Sick, really?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "YOLO."

I smile at him.

I like this guy.



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