Toxic chemicals

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The next morning while Bree, Adam, and Chase were sleeping, Mr. Davenport woke them up.
Mr. Davenport: Wake up, you have an important mission we need to discuss.
When they woke up, they stepped out of their capsules.
Mr. Davenport: I found a warehouse full of toxic chemicals and the Eco criminals are planning on dumping them into the ocean and we need to stop them. But, since the chemicals are toxic you need to use your gloves.
Then Bree started laughing while she was looking at her phone.
Mr. Davenport: Bree, stop texting.
Bree: Fine.
Then he told them how to get the chemical samples.
When Chase and Adam go to the mission site Bree wasn't there.
Chase: Where's Bree? She's going to be in big trouble for being late. So we better get started getting the samples.
But a second later, because of her super speed, she got there but she didn't have her mission suit on or her gloves.
Bree: Hey, look at this shirt Owen made me.
Adam: Bree, you heard how dangerous this mission is.
Then she got the containers and took Chase's gloves to get the samples and had her brothers take watch. At the last one she started to get the sample but some of the chemical leaked out and Owen texted her and her brothers came in and she was coughing.
Bree: Done. *cough*
Adam: Are you ok Bree?
Bree: Yeah, yeah, fine.
Then she texted Owen back. Then before she super speeded off she hugged Adam.
Adam: What was that for?
He asked while hugging her back.
Bree: For being a good big brother.
Then she super speeded off but in the wrong direction and she set off the security alarm.
Chase: Adam, run!
Chase ran but Adam tried to get the samples.
Chase: Adam forget about those, come on!
Next morning...
Mr. Davenport: Wake up! I want a complete debriefing of what went wrong last night.
When they walked out of their capsules an alarm went off in Bree's capsule.
Mr. Davenport: Get back in, get back in!
Bree got back in her capsule.
Mr. Davenport: Bree's capsule is showing high levels of contamination.
Bree: How would I- oh.
Chase: What does oh mean?
Mr. Davenport: Were you exposed to something Bree?
Bree: Okay...yes
Mr. Davenport:Chase,Adam, go back to the warehouse to find out what Bree was exposed to.
Mr. Davenport radioed to them.
Mr. Davenport: Bree was exposed to a chemical that has a green label on it.
Chase: They all do.
Adam: What are we going to do?
Chase: I'll use her fingerprints because she didn't wear her gloves and now I will do the scan.
When he found her fingerprints, it was on a barrel of chemicals labeled Neurothroxon. Chase read it aloud.
Chase: Is that bad?
Mr. Davenport: Ah!
Chase: So bad then?
Mr. Davenport: Yes. Exposure to Neurothroxon interrupts the connection between the brain and the muscles and there's no telling what it will do to her bionics.
Chase: So what do we do?
Mr. Davenport: I need a sample to make an antidote. And the effects become permanent after 24 hours so hurry up!
Then Chase got the sample and they were using a device to make them invisible to others so they didn't get caught but it died right when Chase was getting the sample. It blinded Adam and they got caught.
Chase: Adam, use your super strength to hit the guard.
Adam: I can't see.
Chase: I'll tell you when to swing.
The guard came towards them.
Chase: Now!
But Adam hit Chase and Chase fell backward hitting a barrel that had chemicals in it to freeze things.
They both fell because of the chemical and so did one of the guards but more came in to help him.
Mr. Davenport: Leo, I have to go help Chase and Adam so keep Bree in her capsule or her effects will manifest.
Leo: Don't worry, I got this.
Then Big D left and Leo went to the lab and an alarm was going off. Bree was gone.
Leo: I had this.
Then he went to the school to find her because of an art show.
When Leo found her she was with Owen.
Leo: Bree we need to go home to get you in your capsule.
Bree: Leo I'm fine.
Then her arm and leg went numb.
Leo: Come on Bree we're going home.
Bree: Leo, I'm fine, that doesn't mean anything.
She lifted her numb leg and the other one went numb and she fell down the stairs. Leo walked down the stairs to help Bree. Both of her arms went numb.
At the warehouse, the guards were actually the Eco criminals and they tied Adam and Chase up.
When Mr. Davenport got there he was using a cyber mask so he would look like someone else. The criminals asked him questions. He then went over to the two bionic teens.
Mr. Davenport: You two are coming with me. Chase, Adam, it's me, Davenport, follow my lead.
He untied them.
Adam: Liar! You're not Davenport.
Then Adam slapped him in the face. The cyber mask turned off.
Then Mr. Davenport looked at the Eco criminals.
Mr. Davenport: Hello.
Then it turned into a big fight. But in the end Donald, Adam, and Chase won.
But before they left Mr. Davenport grabbed the sample.
When they got home Bree and Leo weren't there.
Adam: Do you think something happened to them?
Chase: I hope not.
But minutes later Bree was being wheeled in by Leo on a dolley.
Leo: Ahh!
As he screamed he dumped Bree off the dolley and she fell forward.
Leo: Clean up isle Bree.
Then Chase and Adam came over to her and helped her up and Adam sat her down in a seat and he sat in the chair next to her.
He had his arm around her while she was laying on his shoulder. Then Mr. Davenport injected the antidote into her neck.
When she got the injection it hurt so she had a pained look on her face.
Mr. Davenport: I hope it's not too late.
Chase and Adam had worried looks on their faces.
Chase: Bree, are you ok?
Then she tried to lift her head up but she couldn't so she let her head fall back on Adam's shoulder.
Chase: Bree, are you ok?
Then she lifted her head up.
Bree: I feel funny- she paused
She realized she could talk again without her tongue being numb.
Bree: I'm cured!
Adam and Chase smiled along with Bree, Mr. Davenport, and Leo, and the two boys high fived. (Adam and Chase) Then Bree and Adam hugged.
Mr. Davenport: It's going to be easy punishing you now that you're, healthy!
Adam and Bree looked at each other no longer smiling and Adam still had his arm around Bree.
Mr. Davenport talked to Bree calmly about what happened.
Mr. Davenport: How about we go out to eat now?
Kids: Yeah!
Chase, Adam, and Leo followed Mr. Davenport and when Bree got up she was still numb and fell. But luckily they heard her fall.
Adam: Bree!
They all ran over to her.
Mr. Davenport: I forgot to mention, the antidote takes a little bit to go through her body.
Adam: I got you Bree.
He bent down and out his arm around her and helped her up.
Before they got to the restaurant the antidote worked.
Adam: Bree and I are going to order separately and I'm paying for her and I.
Mr. Davenport: Adam, are you sure you can pay for it?
Adam: Yeah.
So they all ordered and payed.
Adam: Let's get a separate table Bree.
Bree: Ok, but you can let go of me, I feel better.
So Adam let go and Bree was able to walk. She was so happy that she ran and jumped into Adam's arms.
Adam: I'm so happy for you.
Bree: I know I can do anything because I have a great big brother.

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