the story

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~15 stellar cycles ago~

sideswipe was 5 years old one night he was looking out the window then his father knockout walk up to him and ask what are you doing sideswipe I'm bored sideswipe said.

hey you want to hear a story knockout ask yeah sideswipe said ok have you ever heard the legend of the rebel warrior knockout ask no sideswipe said.

ok let me tell you he was a bot that would not listen to the rules he would do what he wanted and he would stand up for what he believe in and his name was rebel he made a army and him and his army took on a deceptcon invasion that was attacking the town he also took on Megatron one on one and won he also took on unicon after that everyone respected him knockout said.

what happened next sideswipe ask the ruler of Cybertron wanted to make him a prime but rebel refuses he thinks being a prime was a authority thing knockout said wow sideswipe said then he disappeared to go look for the next rebel warrior every 1,000 years rebel picks a bot to be the next rebel warrior and all of this is true knockout said

wow I wish I could be the next rebel warrior sideswipe said maybe you will maybe you won't who knows knockout said.

then sideswipe look out the window and saw a bright blue light in the sky he smiled at it then knockout said come on time for bed ugh fine sideswipe said then he walk to his room and went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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