chapter 3

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Everly's POV:

So I just woke up and I feel a heavy weight on a stomach so I look down and see Cameron's head and Hayes' legs on me. I wiggle my way out of there grip and go to the kitchen to get something to eat. As I open the fridge something wraps there arms around me and puts there head on my shoulder. Just but the smell I knew it was Cam, he always smelled good no matter what. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him neck while he rested his hands on my hips. Cam was looking in my eyes the down to my lips the back up to my eyes. Without even thinking in leaned in and kissed him and like every time I feel a bomb go off inside me. This might sound cheesy but I really think he's the one. As we pull away Nash walks in probably in the worst mood ever. "Can y'all stop being a couple and get out of my way." Nash practical yelled at us and he knows I hate yelling. I just sprint up the stairs to my room and just fall on my bed and cry. Not even a minute later I hear yelling between Nash and Cam and then I hear a nock at my door. *nock nock* " Eve can I come in its Hayes?" I get up up snd open the door but before I could say anything Hayes just hugged me. I started crying again but think I didn't stop. Hayes walked me over to my bed and layed me down then laid next to me and wrapped me up in a big hug. Hayes always knows how to make me feel better no matter matter the situation. I fell asleep a

still crying but when I woke up hayes was sitting up with one arm around me and then on his phone with the other. Gosh I love my brothers. Even if we do fight I will love them no matter what. Hayes looked down at me, smiled the said "you've been asleep for 2 hours let's go downstairs" I replied with a yea then got up. As I walked downstairs Nash got up and ran to me and hugged me nearly pushing me over. "Everly in SO sorry I didn't meant to yell up but I've been having a bad day can you please forgive me?" Nash said with pleading eyes. I just smile and hug him tighter then whisper in him ear "Nash I'll always forgive you. We're twins. You can't break us apart!" He just looked up and smiled then hugged me again. Hayes just had to ruin the moment by saying "really now so no love for Hayes I get it!" Me and Nash just laughed then made a big group hug. As soon as we start to hug Cam walks put the yells "HUGS FOR CAM TOO" then ran and barged into our hug. We all burst out laughing then to watch a movie in the living room since it was already 7:30. Once the movie was over me and Cam were the only ones awake so we went to my room and went to sleep. Today was a pretty good day

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