Chapter 6

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I got out of bed the next morning with a headache, but I tried to keep it at bay as I chatted with Hermione about Quidditch. My Lord had never played the sport, and I knew very little about it, but so, it turned out, did Hermione.

"So... Harry plays it..." I said awkwardly, trying to cover the fact that I had never heard much about it, other than people played it on broom sticks.

"Yeah, he's the Seeker," Hermione said professionally, but she didn't go into any detail.

"And that's the one that catches the thing..." I said slowly, waiting for more information. I hated sounding stupid in front of a clearly ignorant girl, but I needed to know, but without my brother raising too many questions on why I had never seen a game.

"Yeah, the Snitch... that's the small golden ball... thing." She looked at me and burst into giggles, and I did the same. "Gosh, Vi, we're both hopeless at Quidditch."

You're hopeless at Quidditch, I thought angrily, but plastered on a smile anyway. "Let's go down to breakfast!"

We met my brother in the common room, and as soon as he set eyes on me my vision flickered into his, as I watched myself descend the stairs, then stumble slightly when my perspective changed. I flicked back, but by then I was already falling, dropping towards the floor on my knees. They hit the carpet and I automatically rolled to my feet in a swirl of robes, standing swiftly and cursing myself.

"Er... are you alright there, Eve?" Harry asked with concern, looking at me as if I had gone mad. It was the same look shared by the entire common room, as it turned out as I looked swiftly around, utterly aware of the nervous glances I was getting.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I just tripped."

"Nice roll," Hermione commented behind me, and I turned to her, resisting the urge to jinx her then and there. I'd like to see her land down a flight of stairs without breaking something.

"Thanks," I replied, trying my very best to keep the bitterness out of my voice when I addressed her.

"You're so weird," Ron commented as we left for breakfast, and bushy elbowed him sharply. "Hey, I meant it in a nice way!"

I bit my lip, really hoping they could forget about the entire event. It was bad enough trying to cope with the switching vision thing without everyone making a big deal out of my reaction. Calm down, Eve, they don't know what happened, I told myself, but I felt stiflingly hot in my robes, and a blush crept unbidden onto my face. The Dark Lord had told me that it would be expected to have some side effects of my twin, and I would just have to use them to my advantage.

Thankfully they forgot all about my stumble and roll once Mc Gonnigal handed them their timetables at breakfast. I looked blankly at mine, then went to check Harry's was the same, when Ron spluttered out pumpkin juice all over the table. He stared at hnd timetable in horror. "Look at this, will you? History of Magic, double Potions, Divination and DADA all in the one day! And it's a Monday!"

It was just a timetable, but I refrained from commenting as he groaned and lay his head on the table dramatically, while Harry shared his pain. I glanced down at ine, and following my gaze, Harry leaned over and laughed. "We even have the same subjects."

Ron looked over too, before resting a hand on my shoulder and shaking his head. "We feel your pain, Eve."

"Stop being dramatic, Ronald," Hermione muttered, looking thouroughly peeved. I hid my frown, the paranoid part of me wondering what was souring her mood so early.

Ron simply shook his head. "But we've got Binns, Trelawny, Snape and that Umbridge woman all in one day-"

Before he could continue, something hit me with a dull thump on the back of the head. I immediatley touched the bottom of my hairline as I twisted around, checking for blood. My fingers touched something warm and sticky, and I panicked as I saw the red when I took them away. It was only a few seconds later that I realised I had been hit by jam.

"Crabbe," Ron hissed angrily as he turned around to glare at the Slythering table, and I followed his gaze to see a short, fat boy pointing at me a guffawing, a jar of jam and spoon in his hands. His robes were stretching around his stomach as he laughed, and my hand shot to my wand before I could control my emotions.

"Take that, you Potter freak!" he called out, much to the amusement of the Slytherins. I wasn't sure what to do, whether to get up and attack him like a true Gryffindor or to run and cry and play the victim like I'd been taught. None of my training had prepared me for embarrassment.

Harry was about to rise from the table towards the Slytherins, but Hermione pulled him back, and I met eyes with her, nodding in agreement with her decision. "C'mon Harry, it's not worth it"

"She's my sister," he muttered angrily, but I shook my head.

"It's okay, Harry. I'm okay."

I was astounded by the amount of people in the Hall who were laughing, from all tables there were at least ten students grinning, and only a few Gryffindors were looking concerned. Draco had neglected to warn me about the change in feeling towards Harry Potter. Everybody was smirking at us,and I felt as though my stomach as filled with boiling water.

"Could someone please use a scouring charm?" I asked, annoyed at the fact I couldn't see what I was doing enough.

"Of course," Hermoine said, performing it quickly before rising to her feet. "We should leave now."

"Let's," Harry muttered, standing up and glaring at the Slytherins. I followed his gaze to see Draco telling off Crabbe angrily. "We can get them back later."

I touched absently at the spot of impact on my head and again my hand rested on my wand. When the Dark Lord had been preparing me for fitting in among others my age, he hadn't mentioned anything about their random outbursts of savagery of these people for absolutely no reason. If he had wanted to hurt me, he could have fought me; why the hell throw toast covered with jam?

Ron was stroking his chin thoughtfully as we left the hall, glancing quickly back at us as though waiting for attention. After coughing several times, Hermione turned on him. "WHAT?"

"I guess you could say... that was her jam?"

Yeah, so... it wasn't very long and I didn't kill off anybody like I claimed to, but the truth is I'm very unlikely to be posting any more of this story or anymore of anything, really. I was tired of having this stuck in my works and doing nothing.

So anyway, please tell me what you thought of the story as a whole, and whether it's worth continuing/was worth reading. What did you like about it? What did you hate about it? What's Gilderoy Lockheart's favourite colour? Was my writing OK?

xx love you all very much!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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