The Clensing

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I woke up to Linkin Park playing on the alarm clock radio at 7 in the morning. I went to the bathroom and got dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Then i put on some make-up and my moms necklace. *Ring Ring*

"Hello Hannah speaking"

"Hey Its Zak"

"Yea I figured"

"Are you coming"

"in like 5 minutes yea"

" Ok well call me when you get there,Bye"


As i grabed my keys and locked the door I heard a knock so I quickly got in my car and speed to their office.

"Oh hey Hannah you're back" the janitor said.

"Yea hey"

"I thought I told you to call" Zak said with an eyebrow raised

"Doesn't matter now so where are we going?"

"We're all going to get clensed"

"What do you mean we're all?"

"The investigation crew"

"Oh ok"

When i walked over "Zak did you tell them what i did at the hospital" "thats a secret between us" "thank you I whisper. "You guys know Hannah!"

"Hey" Nick said

"Hi" i said

"Wazzzzz upp!" Aaron said.

"Nothing mucccchhhh!" I said

"So you're clensing with us" Nick asked.

"Yea, so is it just going to be the four of us?"

"Of course we're almost the only ones that work on investigations how long have you been here?" Zak asked.

"Only 3 years."

"Really" Aaron said.


"Well lets get rollin, Hannah you'll be coming with me."


I followed Zak into his car and saw that he put some type of church in his GPS.

"Do u go there all the time?" I asked

"Only if I feel like there's something really bad attached to me."

He turned the radio to my favorite song "Loser" by Limp Bizkit.

"I love this song"i said.

"Really me to!" Zak said

And we sang the song till it was over. Then about 20 minutes later we arrived.

I followed them all in to the church the pastor was in there.he said he could feel the bad presence and that he would have to go to my house so i set up a plan to have him come over next week.But he would clense my body now.

"In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost bless Hannah and release her from this demon of despair" the pastor said.

After he clense the rest of the crew I went back to Zaks car.

"Are you ok??" Zak said

"Yea why?"

"You look like you were mad."

"Well I felt like burning this place down, I'm just glad that we're out of here and nothing happened."

"Oh ok." He said scared and turned the radio back on. I thought about what I said and I realized that was kind of weird to say. Why the hell is my neck burning.

"Ouch!" I moaned in pain

"Whats wrong?" Zak asked.

"My nec..." I figured out why my neck was burning I think it was how my necklace is a cross.

"Your necks what?"

"B....burning" I took it off my neck and it stop but it went to my hands

"Its my necklace because now my H...hands are, ouch!" I drop the necklace on the floor.

"Here put that in my hands"

"Feels find to me"Zak said

"Well then why does it burn right here!"

"Look you have 3 scratches!!!"

"Oh no this can't be happening to me" i pulled out a knife and was going to kill myself when I passed out. I saw a great friend of mine and Sarahs named Autumn. She passed away a few years ago. "Why are you trying to kill yourself all you have to do is keep that necklace on and i'll keep you safe!" Before i could say anything she vanished. I woke up to Zak shaking me

"Hannah Hannah are you ok"

"Yea yea I...i'm ok"

"Well what happened?"

"I was talking to this person that was my deepest friend who died a few years ago now where's my necklace." Zak gave it to me and said "what did she say exactly?"

"Why are you trying to kill yourself all you have to do is keep that necklace on and i'll keep you safe!"

"Thats it?"

"Yea then she vanished"

"Is everyone ok" nick asked

"Yea" we both said

"I am going to beat all of you!!!" Aaron said

"Well we better get going if we want to win" Zak said and we pulled out of the gas station I didn't even know we pulled into. I started listening to my Ipod.

"Whatcha listeningt to"he said

"Nothing you would make fun of me"

"No i promise now what are you listening to"

"Umm...ok its the Undertakers them song, yes i am a wrestling geek."

"Let me hear it." I unpluged the head phones and pluged a cord in his car. He listened to it for alittle. "Thats actually not as bad as i thought it would be its actually pretty good." I notice we were not going to back to the office because we passed the exit.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh yea I forgot to tell you were going to lunch I thought you would be cool with it."

"Yea I am do you know where we eating."

"You'll find out."

I sat back trying to think where we were going. We're probably going to a fast food place. Next thing I new we were pulling into..........

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