chapter seven

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Ariel's POV

I found myself squirming in my chair between Biology and History on Monday morning at Headmaster Mickey's morning announcement.

"Good morning students. Today is Monday, September 21, so you know what that means!"

I had no clue what he was talking about.

"Our Autumn Dance will be coming up in four weeks on October 24!"

I could already hear girls talking about dates and dresses.

"Tickets will be up for purchase during lunch times and after school at the dorm buildings. No one is required to go, but it would be great to see most of you there! Since we are a small school, we will also be inviting students from Dreamworks Academy to join us in our gymnasium for the evening. For more information, contact the office or your Dorm Advisors. Thank you to the dance committee for planning our special dance."

What would I wear? Would I have a date?

I tried my best to pay attention to what Ms. Tritom was saying, but I couldn't because my mind kept wandering to the Dance. But it didn't seem to be just me.

Vanessa's POV

The Autumn Dance. Obviously the perfect way to establish my role as Queen Bee of the school.

"We have to look mega hot," Lottie explained.

"Mega hot," Wendy echoed.

"Purple is definitely your color." Tink shoved a sketch of her really lame design under my nose.

But I couldn't focus on what they were saying. I noticed Ariel sitting at her lunch table with her dumb friends and her stupidly cute outfit and-

"Ariel, huh?" Lottie asked, smirking. "Nice choice."

"She and her goody goody friends are so annoying," Tink said, rolling her eyes and chewing some more salad.

"Especially that dumb Alice Kingsley," Wendy rolled her eyes.

"How about I wear purple, Lottie wears pink, Wendy wears blue and Tink wears green?" I wondered aloud.

"We'll look like a rainbow; they'll never know what hit them," Lottie agreed. "Those are our signature colors, aren't they?"

"True, so doesn't that mean we should wear something different and stand out-?"

"Agree with what Vanessa says, Wendy!" Tink interrupted the brunette.

"Sorry," Wendy muttered.

Belle's POV

For the rest of the week, all everyone could talk about was the Autumn Dance. But not me, Tiana, and Jane.

"Write a two paragraph essay – 25 sentences each – about your favorite role of the Elizabethan Era?" Jane read aloud from our study guide. "Who does that?"

"Apparently Ms. Frost," Tiana responded, looking over her highlighted notes.

We were currently hanging out in Jane's dorm on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Elsa was giving us a history test next Tuesday, so we knew we had to be prepared. It was our first test of the year and we wanted to build our foundation of all A's for this year. Maybe a few A+'s if we could manage it.

"This test is going to take the whole class period!" I exclaimed.

"To be fair, we need to be prepared for exams," Jane pointed out. "They begin right before Winter Break."

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