Chapter One

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Malin was a sad and lonely girl. She had friends, but they didn't share her interests. This was boring for her, as she then didn't have anyone to talk to about anime, games, drawing, music. Malin just had these friends so that she didn't have to be alone in school. They always talked together, but not about something she found interesting.

At home she was always alone. She didn't want to sit downstairs with her mom and step-dad. They were boring, and all they ever did was either fight, watch TV, or play games on their tablets.

One of the only things that kept Malin alive was her cat, her younger brother (who lives in foster home), her younger sister, her music, and her sketchbook and pencils. Without these, she felt like she had nothing.

Every day at school, people would always be disgusted with her. They didn't like how she acted, or what clothes she wore. You see, the close she wore weren't up to date, or girly enough for the rest. She wore boyish clothes that were comfortable. Plus she never felt like a girl, so that's another reason as to why they didn't like her. She wasn't a girl, she was a boy trapped inside the body of the wrong gender. But then again, having no one to talk to made her bottle everything inside her.

Music was one of her escapes from the Daily struggle. The lyrics of the songs blasting through the headset always made her feel better. These were lyrics she could relate to. And she usually listened to music while painting, or reading books.

Every painting she made had a meaning, she always had a reason for why it was made. Malin didn't paint just to do something, she painted to get out emotions. Her paintings was a way of expressing herself.

Quite a lot of her time was spent on YouTube. She would mostly watch PewDiePie, but one day she stumbled upon two British guys called 'Danisnotonfire' and 'AmazingPhil'. She grew more and more fond of them, and eventually started to ship them.

Malin then found out that she would make a fan account for them on Instagram. The follower count on that account started to grow, and she was quite happy because these people that followed her, knew who Dan and Phil were. They knew who Phan was. But all that happiness couldn't fill the emptiness inside of her.

All she wanted was a friend. Why was that so difficult for the universe to understand? She would have been fine with a friend from India as long as it was a friend that she could talk to.

Being the kind of person she was, she wrote her Kik username in a caption on one of her pictures. Then one day, she saw a new notification on Kik.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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