Chapter 3

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He hugs me softly and whispers in my ear. "Y-you need t-to f-free us... O-only you c-can..." a shiver enters my body as I look over my shoulder, seeing red stains on his mask with one black eye. I start to panic as he hugs me more.

Free us?!

"What do you mean free us?!" I ask nervously and try to push him off......he keeps silient and glithes, letting go and walking to the stage. "...what?...just happened?..." I look around and think before walking to the left corner of the stage and sigh. After a while of listening to the band, a door sign catches my attention behind the stage. I walk around the stage curiously and make my way to the door.

'Part's and service' ...hmm... I look around before walking closer to the door and gripping the handle. I open the door slightly and peek inside, it was dark and spooky, full of animatronic parts. Nothing interesting but I walk in anyway as the door shuts behind me. I look around and flick the light switch as the lightbulb turns on.

"Whoa..." I look at the end of the room seeing a bright gold bear suit. I walk over to it, seeing it was leaning on the wall, arms to legs on the ground weakly, knee's lifted up, navy bow tie and top hat and a broken neck tilted to the side on it's shoulder. Hm, so it's like just another Freddy, without eyes. I smile slightly and kneel down examining the gold suit as one pure white pupil appears in it's empty socket.

My eyes widen in surprise as the lifeless thing starts to move. I quickly stand up and run to the door as it stands up with its head still to the side. I start to panic and try to open the door. "Come on, come on!" Two pupils appear in its sockets as its head cracks and crunches like a broken bone, making his head face forward. I hear it's heavy footsteps as I panic even more, my blood pressure at high.

"No!" I look around and lean against the door, holding my head, clencing my eyes.

I feel a sudden icy breath on my neck and something cold wrap around me. "...It's y-you..." the deep voice made goosebumps appear on my skin as I whimper. "I-I've been waiting.... f-for you...." wait what? What is he saying?! "Waiting f-for y-years..." ok ok, calm's just recorded voice, yeah! Just a voice box. "my dear (y/n) ... d-don't ignore m-me...." My eyes snap open in shock.

"How do you know my name?!"

"...I know e-everything about you... y-your our destined s-savior ... y-you shall free us..." I push the bear off and try to open the door again but he just tilts his head again and wraps his paws on my waist. "If y-you don't save us.... I'll m-make you one of us..." he warns as I struggle greatly.

"What?! What are you?!"

"I'm a human...j-just like y-you...right?" he asks shyly still with a deep voice.

"YOUR A ROBOT!!" I push his arms with all my might but his grip tightens like rope.

"P-please...d-don't leave me... I-I need you (y/n)!!" he growls as picks me up, moving backwards as I kick around for my dear life.

"LET ME GO YOU MONSTER!!" I scream, but he just ignores me and puts me down in the spot I found him.

"I-I'm not a monster... please j-just listen.... I-"

"NO!! LET ME OUT!!" his head cracks and faces me.

"Just l-let me show you..." he offers his big gold paw as I look around. Should I?! .... I sigh and grab his paw as he lifts me up. "I-I'm just l-like you... or...I was... but-... um, I'm Golden Freddy...but y-you can c-call me Goldie..."


"Ok whatever..." the girl says and walks around me, to the door.

ugh! Why can't she just help?! We want to be free and put to rest.

"...I-I was a child once... a h-human child..." I explain as the pain of talking makes my head tilt again. She suddenly stops in a freeze.

"child?.. like the rumor's?" she says, still not facing me.

"y-yes...h-how else would I be able t-to speak o-out of my voice box..."

She puts her (h/l) (h/c) hair behind her ear and turns around. "Can you explain?.. I mean, it's ok if you don't want to..."

"T-there were f-five of us... myself, m-my brother and h-his three friends... we c-came here once a-and a killer tricked us and- .... Here I-I am..." I say as she looks down.

"I'm sorry...I thought you were just a normal robot..." she calls out quietly, I walk over to her with my steps making a huge metal clunk!

"I-it's ok... anyway...l-let's get to business!" my pupls fade as I conserntrate, starting to glow black.

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