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Chapter 1

I was packed and ready for California. I was kind of excited for this mission. I know this sounds weird but I've never been sent in for a kidnapping. I'm kind of like Christina off of Grey's Anatomy. I craved missions. I was trained for this.

I had three suitcases. One for my clothes, one for my guns, and one for my other equipment. Then I got a call from the chief. "Chief?" I said. "Gonzalez! I have scheduled a private jet to California for you in an hour. Go to the airport and tell them who you are. They'll lead you to a private jet that says Castro on it. It will take you to California. In wing c there will be a guy in a tux holding a sign that has your name on it. Go to him and he will take you to the house."

"Got it boss." I said. "And Gonzalez?" He said. "Yes sir?" I asked. "Be careful." He said then hung up.

The Chief was like my dad. My biological father was in the agency before me. Him and my mother were killed in a mission involving dealers. After that, I found out about the agency and started training. I started training when I was 15. I'm 19 now. The Chief was the one who trained me. Two years ago, he wasn't the chief. When I started out, all I knew him was as Zach. After I had been in the agency two years, the original chief died and Zach had to replace him. Now I have to call him Chief.

*skip the plane ride and the ride to the house*

"Thanks for driving me, Dan." I said with a smile. Dan was the guy who drove me. He was actually pretty nice. He grabbed two of my suitcases and I grabbed the other. We walked up to the house and I rung the doorbell.

I saw the shades flutter on the window beside the door then the door slightly opened. A boys head popped out. I remembered him from the files. Hayes. "Who are you?" He asked me.

"I'm Victoria Gonzalez. I'm a trained agent sent here to protect you and your friends and find Cameron." I told him. "How do you know our names?" He asked. "Just let me in and I'll tell you guys everything." I said.

He slowly opened the door all the way. "Can you take me to my room?" I asked. He nodded and took me upstairs to a room. It was pretty big. I set my suitcase on the bed and Dan set the ones he carried in down.

He nodded at me before leaving. I turned to Hayes. He looked nervous. "Why don't you gather everyone in the living room and we'll talk?" I asked. He nodded and left. I went downstairs and found the living room. Minutes later, the room was filled with 9 boys and one girl.

They were all looking at me weirdly. The girl wasn't. She looked... excited.

"Okay. I'm Victoria Gonzalez. I'm a trained agent sent here to protect you guys and find Cameron. I'll live here and gather information that will lead me to Cameron's kidnappers. After that, I will go in and get him." I explained.

"How do you know our names?" Hayes asked again. "My Chief gave me the information I needed in order to know you guys." I said. "So you know our favorite colors?" Matt joked.

"Blue." I answered. He looked at me shocked. "What's mine?" Nash asked. "Look, we don't have time to mess around. I need to set up surveillance equipment and start training you guys." I said and stood up.

I went to walk up the stairs but turned around. "And it's red." I said with a smirk. They gasped and started talking to each other. All but one. I turned and saw a boy with brown hair and a bandana wrapped around his hair. He was staring at me. I remembered him from the files. Taylor Caniff.

He saw me looking so he smirked. I rolled my eyes and trudged upstairs. Boys and their hormones..


"Okay so each room has a camera in it. Each of you have my number and an emergency number to the agency only to use in an emergency. If something happens, just call out. Hopefully before then, I will have you all trained." I said. They all nodded. They looked scared and they had a good reason to be.

"When are you going to start training us?" Jack Gilinsky asked. "Tomorrow morning at dawn so you need to get good sleep." I told him. "Also, don't go anywhere without me. Please. I don't need yall to leave and be kidnapped." I said.

They all started to go to their rooms but an arm grabbed mine. "Can I talk to you?"


Ooh who do you think wanted to talk to her? Comment~~

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