The Adoption (Harry Styles fanfic)

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Chapter 1

My name is Darcy O'Donoghue. I've lived at the adoption center practically my entire life. When I was five, my parents both cheated on each other and my mom is a drug addict and my father is in jail for rape. He raped me, his own daughter for 3 months, every Tuesday evening after he worked. I get nightmares every now and then remembering the pain he caused me. I didn't tell anyone for so long because at the time, I loved my father. He was the only one who was there for me. But years later I realized he was only using me and his kindness was all an act.

The adoption center isn't that bad actually. When I first arrived at the age of six, I was so afraid. My mom brought me saying that she couldn't "do it anymore" and that she was done. The women kindly took me in and did the best they could to take care of me. They tried to give me a normal life and erase all the past I have been through. Cindy was my favorite. I could talk to her about anything and everything, we were super close. I feel like we had the relationship a mother and daughter should have, one I never had.

Many parents came into the adoption center but they all wanted toddlers and babies. No one ever wanted me. They never even looked at me. That made me feel so unloved and insecure.

But it was when a certain couple came in that I knew there could be hope for me after all. They were young and had tattoos. I wanted them to be my parents right away. They looked like they could be a lot fun.

"Hello there, are you two Lou and Tom Teasdale?" Cindy asked the couple.

"Yes we are! We're really excited to meet her," the woman said.

"Good! She doesn't know you're coming though, so excuse me while I go get her," Cindy said and went up the stairs. I was hiding behind one of the railings, hoping she wouldn't find me eavesdropping. But she did.

"Darce, what are you doing?" She asked with her hands on her hips with a little bit of a grin on her face.

"I don't know..." I said looking away. She smiled warmly at me.

"Its fine honey. There's a couple downstairs who want to meet you. So come with me okay?" She said with a huge grin on her face. I couldn't believe my ears. The couple I wanted, wanted me too? They didn't want some little baby, they wanted a fourteen year old girl? This could not happening.

I walked down the steps slowly hoping to make a good first impression. I didn't want them to change their mind or something.

"Darcy, this is Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale, they were interested in adopting you," Cindy said. The man and woman both beamed at me and i smiled shyly back.

"Why do you want to adopt a fourteen year old instead of a baby?" I suddenly blurted out before thinking. Automatically my face went red and i regret what i just said, hoping they didnt think i was weird and decide they don't want me anymore. But they just laughed and i breathed a sigh of relief.

"We actually already have a baby. With the job i have, it would be hard for us to take care of another baby so we decided to skip that step. We both love kids and feel like a 14- year-old would fit well into our lives and the atmosphere we live in," the woman said.

After a while we just talked about a bunch of stuff and then Cindy told me that i could leave. But I didnt want to. I really liked these people. I wanted them to be my parents so badly. But I tried not to get my hopes up too high because if they decide to let me go, i would be extremely disappointed. I got along so well with them.

But I left anyway and prayed they would take me.

Later that night, Cindy came upstairs to my room. I was sitting on my bed, reading. She sat down at my desk and just started to stare at me with sparkling eyes. I looked up at her with a weird expression and then i got why she was so excited. The tattooed parents were going to take me. Without a word, i jumped up and gave Cindy a huge hug. We held each other tightly and i couldn't contain my excitement. But I never thought of ever actually leaving the adoption center. I had to leave Cindy. I couldn't do that, no way. Cindy was the only person who was there for me.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Cindy," I said, fighting back tears of joy mixed with sadness.

"Me too, but with today's technology we can stay in touch don't worry," Cindy said reassuringly. "But you will be moving to a different country..."

I pulled back from Cindy's embrace and looked at her. What was she talking about?

"The couple is from England, Darcy. You're moving to England," Cindy said.


I put my diary down and stretch my exhausted hand. How many more hours on this plane? I just want to see my new parents finally.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, but the caption has informed me that we will be landing shortly. Thank you for your patience and we hope you have enjoyed your flight," One of the flight attendants says into the microphone. Before i know it, we have landed and i'm getting off. I feel jittery and nervous, afraid that maybe my new parents forgot to pick me up or something. I grip my bag onto my shoulder tightly and walk out of the plane into the hallway. I follow the people in front of me to the airport and look around, scanning the crowd. Suddenly, i feel a tug from behind. I turn around and find myself in the arms of my new mother. I feel a little awkward hugging her, considering we just met, but I'm glad for the gesture. That shows me she wants to be close.

"Hey Darcy!" My new father says, putting an arm around me when shes done. "Just for future reference, call me Tom and you can call her Lou. We don't want you to call us mum or dad or anything, alright?" I nod my head, feeling a little relieved and more comfortable now, considering they actually werent my real parents.

"Hi Darcy! How was your flight, babe?" Lou says, steering me towards the luggage area to retrieve my stuff. I talk about my flight and how sad it was to leave Cindy. Then i go through the metal detector and we drive in their car. I notice that the driver's side is on the right side instead of the left and we drive on the opposite side of the road which that makes me feel uneasy.

"Hey Darcy, have you ever heard of the band, One Direction?" Tom says, looking back at me from the drivers seat. Lou giggles and winks at him.

"Uh, yeah, why?" I say, wondering why they're acting so suspicious. I first heard One Direction on the radio and liked their song, but it never really became more than that. I knew they were British, except one was Irish, and their fans were crazy about them.

"Well, you're going to meet them and you'll be spending a lot of time with them. I'm their hairstylist and were really close with them," Lou says turning around to face me. "They're just normal teenagers like you, so don't get nervous or anything." She says, squeezing my hand. I nodded my head. I wasn't really nervous at all to be honest, it's not like i was in love with these boys. But I guess i would be spending a lot of time with them so i better like them a lot...

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