Chapter 1

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I stared blankly out the window of the gloomy apartment complex as minutes ticked pass. If the grey walls had not already expressed my gloominess, the sky outside was a dark grey of sadness as the rain drizzled down the dusty windows that seemed like it hasn’t been cleaned for years.

My family only consisted of me and my mum. My hated father had already ran off with some blond bitch and didn’t care less about the family.

I glared wearily at the happy colourful shades of umbrellas beneath me and caught a glimpse of the dull uniform that I would be wearing soon.

St Johns Academy. A smart school that anyone would dream of but me.

After what happened at the school of horror I used to go to a few days back, I would never want to go out ever again.

Telepathiosis syndrome. That’s what the doctor calls it. Every time I go to a new doctor, they would always think. Is she possessed? I hate being able to read minds.

It ruined my family.

It ruined my school life.

It ruined my dream of having a normal life.

“Eve! Come down. I’ve made breakfast already.” Hopefully, if I stay quiet she’ll leave me alone. “Eve!” Footsteps were closing in until I could see her shadow from under the door. “If you don’t come out now, I’ll make you walk!” As soon as she said that, I called out. “Fine! I’m awake! Drive me. Please!” I didn’t want to hear about random people’s sad lives. I could sense she was smiling as she walked back to her work in the kitchen.

Although, we were always at the brim of becoming broke, my mother would always have a warm and calm atmosphere. She didn’t cry when dad left us, she didn’t cry when she was fired at her job and she didn’t cry when we had to move from my grandparents comforting home to this small bleak apartment. The only person who I couldn’t read was my mum. I didn’t know if she was purposely blocking her mind or I couldn’t read it because I was her daughter but I wouldn’t ever want to read it. She was the only one who didn’t leave me because of my ‘disorder’

The grey uniform of St Johns was neatly pressed. My family would have never afforded this kind of uniform. Luckily I had a scholarship to this school. Before you say I cheated using my mind reading. No. I didn’t cheat. I have some control over it now. I am authentically smart.

The smell of cooked bacon and egg was assuring. Mum was in the tiny kitchen frying the bacon in the small corner where the stove was. “Hurry and eat, Eve. I need to get to my job interview.”

The plate of food was eaten quickly and I dragged myself outside the apartment.

Fortunately, we were able to bring our car from our old house. The unfamiliar streets flew passed as I sat staring at the changing landscape.

“Mum. Where are my sunglasses?”

“You probably left them in the apartment. You can borrow mine.”

On my 8th birthday, I heard that dad was going to his colleague's house.

"DAD! Are going to eat dinner with Ms Atton? No fair I want to come!" That's what I said on the day of my 8th birthday. The day it all started.

My eyes are a abnormal dark shade of red. It was normal coloured before that day. It wasn’t so bad for the first 2 or 3 years but then, my classmates began teasing me saying I was possessed by the devil.

Since then, I always wore sunglasses when I had to meet someone.

The car screeched to a halt in front of the daunting gates of St Johns Academy.  I let the thoughts of the people surround me.

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