The Truth of Marcus

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Lucy looked down at her journal, the pen not yet touching the paper.

Just write, she thought to herself. It can't be that hard. No wait, yes it can.

She set her pen down in front of her, and walked out of her room, to the front door, her hands running through her hair in frustration. She opened the door to find Marcus standing there, looking as if he were about to knock.

"Marcus?" she asked, stunned. "Marcus, what are you doing at my house?"

"Oh, is this YOUR house? I thought I was at Tanner's house," he sarcastically retorted.

"Tanner's my brother, Marcus. We share the same house!"

"Now if you'll excuse me," he shoved past Lucy and went straight into Tanner's room.

She sighed and walked to her room, right next to Tanner's. She laid down on her bed and plugged in her headphones, knowing she couldn't leave the house anymore since Marcus was over.

Slowly, Lucy began to slip into sleep but was immediately woken up by a loud and obnoxious knock at her door.

"Oh my gosh, what?" she yelled, yanking her headphones out of her ears.

The door creaked open and Marcus' face appeared in the small doorway. Lucy quickly stood up, going to the door, trying to hide the journal on the table next to her door.

"You alright?" he slightly laughed at her actions.

"Just peachy, what are you doing here?" her hand glided across her table, subtly closing her notebook.

His eyes followed her moves, but he never questioned her. "I, um," he hesitated. "Can I come in for a couple of minutes?"

She held her breath before moving so he could walk in her room. She sat down in the chair by her table and he sat on her bed after closing the door.

"Why did you close the door?" she asked, reaching to open it back up.

"No, don't!" he quickly reacted. "Keep it closed."


"Just keep it closed. I need to talk to you privately."

"What about?"

He sighed and wiped his hands on his shorts. "I, um, there's something that, uh, I need to, um, talk to you about," his voice trembled as he spoke.

"Yeah, Marcus, I got that part. What exactly do you need to talk to me about?"

"Well, I, uh, need some advice," he paused. "On a girl."

Lucy looked down at her floor, then looked back up at Marcus, who was staring at her. "What girl? What advice do you need?"

"You don't know the, uh, girl. And I think I'm starting to like her, but I don't think she would ever feel the same way so I just needed to talk to a girl, and you're the closest person I have to talk to that's not my sister."

"Gee, thanks."

"So can you help me? How should I bring it up with her? Or do I? Should I just tell her or what should-" Lucy cut him off.

"Okay, well, one, don't ramble like that. Two, don't be a big baby about it and just tell her how you feel. Which is how exactly?"

"Well, me and this girl have been kind of friends for a few years now. I only know her through her brother. But anyway, lately, I feel like I'm just going to hang out with her brother to see her," he stopped quickly. "How do I talk to her?"

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