The Thing

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Once upon a time,

there was a thing

Who lived a life as any other thing

But one day

He was invited to a banquet by the king

"Oh the king, my am I flattered I must hurry" the thing excitedly screamed as he walked down the path.

As he walked excited for his arrival he found himself stuck at a cross rode

"Left or right my oh my"

He pondered until mr.thing popped up and said

"Are you off to the banquet? Left my boy!" Mr thing said with a menacing grin

Thing too excited to notice went left with no hesitation

He walked, and walked, until the forest had engulfed him whole

All he could see was trees and trees

"Oh my, I'll be late if I don't hurry. I must go faster"

As he walked he kept seeing a flicker of light in the forest

'I must not stray from my path, the king awaits me' he thought while running down the path panting

The sun soon started to set and thing then thought he was lost.

"But there was only one path, I can't be going the wrong way" he said to him self as he kept walking

But he didn't know the forest was everlasting

For all the forest spirits and Gods looked upon him in pity for the banquet he would never attend

He kept up his motivation but noticed he was passing the same rock..again..and again..and aging.

"Well this cant be right, oh bother." The flicker of light became brighter. He noticed and decided that he would follow it

He went through the bushes as the thorns ripped his clothing and cut his face but the light seemed to become distant as he got closer

He decided to go faster but the thorns got thicker and the forest became closer. "Oh bright light why must you run, please help me!" He screamed blood oozing from his wounds

The light stopped. And the things eyes widened. He pushed through the thick thorns not caring of the blood covering his whole body. And as he got closer the light began to come closer but the thorns got thicker to the point he could barely see the light

"Oh bright light, set aside these thorns and help me. I beg of you"

His eye sight began to become blurry. He looked down noticing the blood that had be cascading down his body and leaving a trail of the ruby liquid on each thorn.

He looked forward again to see a bright hand, he reached at it but his hand went right through it.

"Oh no. Have I done this all for nothing" he began to cry tears of despair

And as the tears hit the hand the hand began to melt

The thing had not noticed but the thorns were dissappearing, and the light was becoming a dark oozing ball of disgust

He fell to the ground with a big thud as the thorns dissappeared. But he felt nothing, his face began going pale. And the oozing ball slowly melting until a tiny mask warped in its own atmosphere it seemed

He looked up and the masked looked like light because of his ever so blurry vision. He crawled hallucinating the banquet and the light as the opening doors

"I made it" he smiled weakly touching the mask

And the mask fell and the atmosphere around it bursted like a tiny bubble. And the things arm dropped as his eyes slowly closed

The forest spirits weeped at his slowing death

A tiny Fox demon not allowed into the place of all gods and spirits slowly went towards his body. He sees his breaths becoming shorter...and shorter

He sees the mask unaware of the capabilities if it. He slowly nudges it towards the thing. Trying his best to not touch the thing, for he is human. Who knows what might happen.

He pushes the mask on the thing and runs back with his tail barely grazing the things shoulder

He watches. As the mask slowly makes his breaths more longer but his body becomes transparent

The Fox continues to watch unaware of his dissappearing tail. The thing slowly sits up, staring at his see through arms

"I..I am alive...but, I feel as though I am not" he notices the Fox and it seems to be missing something

A tail perhaps?

"Mr Fox. You seem to be missing a tail, have you lost it" the thing asks walking closer

The foxes eyes widen looking back as his tail is gone and sparkled into the sky

The Fox sighs as a tear falls from his eyes. He felt as though even if he wasn't allowed to rejoin the spirits and would always remain a demon. He helped this man...but there was a catch...

The thing slowly got closer until the Fox spoke

"For I have given you life. You may never leave this forest, do not touch another living being for you will dissappear as I will" he says as his ears slowly dissipate. "The gods and spirits will watch you. And the fallen known as demons will guide you, just don't make the same mistake as I"

He says as he only becomes a spec of dust floating into the wind.

The thing slowly noded trying to hug the Fox for thanks but was too late...

**sorry for any typos! Hope you liked it**

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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