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Do you ever just wonder about life? All the shit we go through? The hurt and pain? Some people can truly say they made it. They have a loyal significant other, kids, nice house, car. Everything. Then. Well, if you're anything like me you were dealt the crappiest hand of them all. When we think of life it's not the times the whole family took a road trip to Disney world. We can't complain about our siblings annoying us. Not the time we went to prom and felt like a princess. Not even the time we had a sweet sixteen, because quite frankly it never happened. We think about how Friends would come and go, never stuck around. We are always the lonely ones. Never had a boyfriend. We were always just a friend or the smart girl in history. Pathetic to say the least. I'd brush it off, pretending to never be affected by anything. Most people like us would at least be one out of the three possible outcomes for life.
1. Drugs- which contains the I don't give a fuck crowd. Consists of drug dealing and partaking in doing drugs themselves.
2. Alcohol- contains the fill of my empty void crowd. Consist of... Duh. Getting drunk no matter what time of day. Don't dare tell them to put their vodka down.
3. Others- boring right? This is the mix crowd. We have desperate people, nerds, and me. A liar. Welcome home baby. I'm your catfish no one knew about.

This a story I've decided to do, because I got bored during a road trip, lol. Thank you for reading, enjoy.

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