Chapter 19: Thunder and Lightning: part 1

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I open my eyes, staring at the ceiling. Natsu was in my dreams again. A sigh slipped through my lips.

Sitting up, I remembered what had happened yesterday. I forgot that I went to my house. Bouncing around in my bed, I giggled a bit at myself. Last night was the best sleep in forrrreeevveerrrr!

Throwing my hands in the air, I stretched them, letting a yawn come out of my mouth as I did. "Today's possibly the last day. seems that I did okay, besides all those memories of Natsu and my friends coming back to me."

Getting up, I slugged myself across the floor, trying to get to my dresser. My feet didn't leave the floor as I dragged them. Arriving at my dresser, I rubbed my eyes to attempt to wake them up. What...should I wear today? I am going to be walking around basicly saying goodbye to here, just in case I can't go back here by myself tonight.

Pulling out a white and blue button up shirt, a denim blue mini skirt, a brown belt, my keychain, and knee high boots, I looked at them all together. More casual than I thought I would want today, but this should work.

A slight smile came to my face. I was excited, nervous, and upset that today was the day. Putting them all on, I grabbed my bag and looked at my room. Scanning and remembering all I remembered yesterday, my smile grew. "So many memories that I have made here are with my friends. Natsu in particular. That's what I figured out yesterday." I sighed. I think that today.....will be more of a refresher of what has happened as whole.

Walking out the door, I thought of my first stop that I should go to. I went to the school.

Looking at it, it felt as if there was a tune that had happened. From the day I enrolled here, to the day that Natsu just dissapeared from here. I would miss being here.

Stepping closer to the school, I saw a flower planter on the side of the walkway. And right next to that was a couple cherry blossom trees. I remember that whenever Natsu stood out here, waiting for me the few times he did....he would stand right here, hoping no one would notice him with his black hoodie over his head.

I sighed, remembering his grip on my wrist. Taking a step towards the door, I grabbed the door and opened it, stepping inside. A smile crossed my lips as I remembered how Levy was talking to Gajeel at that exact point.

Then remembering our conversation we had about her coming with me to the wedding, I did a slight frown. I never did go to pick her up, did I? I laughed at myself. Next stop....the cafeteria.

Walking that way, I remembered both the incident where I found Happy following me here, then the point in which i was extremely upset about Natsu being accused of being the worst guy. never really dawned on me that I didn't see happy either after he tried to help me when those guys attacked me.

Looking at the cafeteria, a weak smile crossed my lips. I just hope they are both alright.

I slowly moved my feet to the tables. A soft texture went against my palms as I felt the table where I sat. "Levy. The time I just decided that I would talk to her, because I didn't technically have any friends yet." I laughed, thinking of the moment I had called her 'blue haired girl' because I didn't know her name.

Come to think of it, she was really open to me, even though she didn't have a reason to be that way to me. I mean....I found out her crush on our first day together! I giggled a bit lowder.

Lifting my hands off of where I had rested them, I turned in the direction that I knew I hadn't looked at in quite some time. Natsu's table. Where he sat alone at lunch.

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