Entitled | #03

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Monday rolls fast, me and Meg were currently at Mrs. F's Office taking Meg's schedule and locker key..

"Welcome to Schade University, here's your schedule and locker key, Eris here will help you find your first class and locker." Mrs. F said eyeing me warily.. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on! Get over it Mrs. F!" I said, referring to the locker slash vandalizing incidence.

"You still have a week before your detention is over." She deadpan and I sigh.
"Fine!" I pouted-

"Ahh why are they staring at me?" Meg whisper while looking around.

"Don't worry, they'll like that when I first came here.." I shrugged and then she laugh.

"Oh right! The Bunny Sleeper incident! Girl! That's fantastic!" She beam and I playfully slap her in her arms.

"And who's this chick you were with, witch?" Chase said and I glared at him..
"WITCH?!" I scream.. I mean, wtf?
He smirked,
"Why? That's what you are." Ugh! This guy! -i was about to struggle him when Elise came and stood between Me and Chase while Meg beside me is smirking deviously.

"Eris! I missed you! Who's this friend of yours?" Elise asked causing Meg to rose a brow. Uh-oh.

"Excuse me?! I am not just her Friend! I am her Best friend, her Soul and Twin Sister." She said while placing her hands on her hips. Elise just rose a brow.
"I didn't mean it that way.." She said waving her hands.
"Then what do you mean?!" Meg said, now crossing her arms while raising her brow.

Meg has a tendency to over react. Poor Elise.. I looked at Chase and he's watching Meg with amusement. I then look at Elise, I can sense she's getting uncomfortable so I sigh.

"Meg, her name is Meg.. Sorry for that Elise, she tend to be over reacting sometimes." I smile apologetically to Elise and she just nods in understanding.

I turned to Meg and gave her a look. She pouted and looked at Elise.
"Sorry there, we friends?" Meg smile and Elise beam at her.

"It's okay, we're cool!" Elise said.

"Tsk, girls and their tantrums." I heard Chase said and I glare at him.
"Tsk, boys and their Stupidity." I mutter, rolling my eyes.
"You saying something, Witch?" He asked, smirking. I smile.
"No, I'm not saying something, Freak." I spat and gave him my most fake sincere smile---

"I only have few classes with you! Oh no! That principal better run!" Meg shrieks.

"Come on, you wouldn't want to get Mrs. F's bad side.." I said tapping her shoulders attempting to calm her.

"Yeah, she's the worst." Elise agreed.
"But I only have 2 classes with you! This is unfair! I flew here to be with you all the time!" She whine and pout. My heart just melt.

"Oh that is so sweet! I wish I have besty like you!" Elise pouted too.
"Oh come on! You have me already.. I mean You have Me and Meg already!" I quickly said right before seeing Meg's glare. Meg is a Jealous type girl, no wonder she never had long relationship.

"Well, I guess I am so lucky enough to have you guys!" Elise said and she pull me and Meg to a hug.

"Hellooo! Can we join?!" Someone said and we quickly pull away.. Looking behind us, we saw 2 boys, both have a bright smile on their face.

"Ah, who are you?" Meg asked the guy whom I presume the one who spoke awhile ago.
"Oh! I'm Tyler and this is Stefan, you must be the girl.. I'm marrying in the near future." He grinned showing off his deep dimple on his right cheek.. Man! Isn't this Guy's Adorably handsome?

"Excuse me?! No! I'm actually the girl who will kill you right now!" Meg Said glaring at him.. Me, Elise and Stefan laugh while Tyler looked at Meg in utter disbelief.

"Men! Didn't you find yourself a perfect match?" Stefan laugh and patted Tyler's back.. Tyler pouted adorably and look at Meg like he was about to cry.

"You didn't just said that! How can you resist my Handsomeness? Girl you need Eyeglasses, how about borrow from Little Elise here.." Tyler whined.
"No thank you, my sight is perfectly fine. Maybe you need one since you thought you're handsome.. Elise let him borrow your glasses so that I can escort him to the CR and make him look to his Ugly face in the mirror.." Meg Retort and that cause another laughter from me, Elise and Stefan.

"Hey! Are you making fun of my Eyeglasses?!" Elise snapped after her laugher died.

"Who's making fun of your eyeglasses, Elise?" A deep voice asked. I look behind me and saw Chase standing few feet away from me.

Wait! I think I forgot to asked something to Elise.. Anyways, I'll ask her later.

"Oh! Tyler! He's making fun of my eyeglasses.. Please beat him up!" Elise pouted and i saw Tyler gasp.

"No! I mean.. I'm not the only one! This girl here too! She's making fun of Elise's Eyeglasses!" Tyler said in panicked and actually hide behind Stefan while pointing at Meg's.

"Oh friend, you better run!" Chase growl and Tyler actually run away and Chase run after him. I looked at them amusingly before they disappeared from my sight.

"I'm sorry, those two were like Two years old that's been stuck to a 19 year old body.. By the way, I'm Stefan and You must be Eris and Meg. I'm Elton's Best friend.. I mean Me and Tyler." He said sheepishly.

"You're Chase's friend?" I asked in disbelief..
"Yes, I am. I know it's kinda weird because we're completely opposite.. and yeah, I think they're right about 'Opposite do attract'" he said and laugh.

"Dude! You're gay!" Meg wince and Stefan just shrugged.
"It's not Gay, it's called bromance." Stefan said with a 'duh' and Meg just rolles her eyes.

"Whatever! I'm hungry.. Lezz eat!" She said and I beam at her.
"Pizza!" I giggle. And we started dancing like a retarded one.

"Gosh, you girls are weird. Anyways, can I come? I think those two will be gone for a while." Stefan said putting his hands inside his jeans pocket.

"Sure, if and only if.. You'll pay." Meg crossed her arms and watch Stefan with a rose brow.

"Hey! That's unfair!" Stefan whine and Meg just smirk.
"Then go away and be forever alone!" She beam and Stefan stomp his feet childishly.. Men! Aren't they weird?! Hahaha.

"Fine!" He finally said and the three of us cried a victoriously 'Yes' before heading to Cafeteria---

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