His Sweet Lie

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**Thank you to all who are reading this. Leave a comment if you wish. I would like to know what people think of this story.

Without further a do, enjoy the story. ^_^


She saw him across the street, just standing there looking at flowers. She hoped that one day she could talk to him, tell him how she felt but all was in vain as she saw him give a single rose to the girl beside him. She felt disappointed as she headed home, without looking back.

By the time she got home, it was already late. She hadn't had dinner yet. She crept slowly into the dining room so that no one would notice her. It didn't work though. Her mom scolded from the doorway of their living room. She explained quickly to her mom about the activities at school and why she had stayed back. Her mom nodded and shooed her away so she could continue watching her documentaries. She sighed and went towards the dining room. She was starving.

Few days had passed and nothing was out of the ordinary, except that her Algebra teacher was absent that day. Apart from that, it was the same old routine. After closing her locker, she looked up and saw him walking towards her. She felt a sudden urge to scream as he stood before her. Before realizing what had took place, she had agreed to go out with him Sunday night.

She jumped onto her bed first thing when she got home. Filled with excitement, she grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. It was the happiest day of her entire miserable life. She rolled and rolled on her bed until her mom came yelling at her to shut up. She quickly hushed herself but still couldn't calm herself down. After all, it was the best day ever. She was so eager for the best night of her life.

Sunday came in a rush like she had expected. All she had to do was get through the day without exploding from utter excitement. The night was still hours away but she decided to pick out her outfit for that night. After an hour of ransacking her cupboard for the perfect gown, she finally decided on the perfect wear. She squealed at the thought of what they would be doing and where they would be going. She was happy, happy that the once never ending dream of hers would come true. She jumped around her room, happy as can be till her mom ruined it by screaming at her to go down for breakfast.

The night had finally arrived and she was absolutely trilled. Her light blue dress glimmered in the dim moonlight as she walked towards the car that had arrived at her front porch. Her sleeveless dress matched with a pair of white 5 inched high heels and a dark red translucent scarf around her neck. As she walked radiantly towards the red sedan, he smiled at her radiance. She was beautiful. She got into his car and they sped off.

In three hours time, she was back in her room, on her bed. She felt that after tonight's date, everything was going to be magical from now on. Tonight was wonderful and she knew there were sparks in the air. It was love. She was convinced that he was the guy of her dreams and the one she was looking for her whole life. The next few days went by like a speeding train. Seeing him was heavenly and everyday felt like a wonderful fantasy. Talking, eating, going back and forth from school with him like a normal couple would. It was a amazing magical dream.

And a dream it was. Reality struck her one day when she saw that, after a one month relationship, he was never true to her, not even for a single moment. It was all just a sweet lie. A game to him. Watching from the shadows as he handed a single flower, the same kind of flower that he presented to her that morning, to the girl in front of him. A different girl from the one before.

As he finished saying his Sweet remarks to the girl, he caught a glimpse of her and approached. With a sad look and tears whelming up in her eyes, a devilish smile appeared on his lips. Taking the flower he had given her that morning from her hands, he placed the flower in her hair, smiling slyly, saying "Oh...my bad, but we had a good run...."

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