Chapter Three

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'I wish you were not my daughter!'
'I wish you were not my daughter!'

Was the only thing running through my head, moments after my Dad had left the room. "Sapphire, honey! We're leaving in ten!" He called, his voice jerked me out of my thoughts as I hurriedly clambered to my feet and dashed to my wardrobe, pushing the unwanted thoughts to the corners of my mind. I scrambled down the stairs, nearly ran into a wall before sliding into the kitchen. "Crap." I muttered looking at the clock. I did not even have enough time for a proper breakfast. "Come on kiddo we gotta go." Dad said dangling the car keys in front of my face. I chuckled and grabbed them.

As he walked ahead of me I caught sight of his elbow where his arm should have continued but stopped abruptly. A feeling of sadness washed over me, as I knew how badly he wanted that second arm. The hours he'd spent up at night trying to find an answer, a cure to his problem and yet he still hadn't found one. I feel completely stupid, useless knowing I can't do anything to help him and that no matter how smart my test scores said I was, I'd never be smart enough to find the answer my Dad needed. I pulled up at Oscorp. I kissed my Dad on the cheek and he smiled at me before hopping out of the car. I drove as legally fast as possible to Midtown High School. I ran into a class which I thought was my classroom for this time of a day. Key word was thought.

A classroom full of curious eyes met mine as I blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry got the wrong classroom gotta go bye!" I said all in one breath, getting out of there so fast it would make a roadrunner look bad. When I finally reached my class I was completely puffed. "Sapphire Connors?" The teacher asked. "Here!" I answered, panting. Man I cut it close today. Sighing, I slid into my seat. "Just in time." Gwen whispered to me. Gwen was a close acquaintance of mine. I smiled in response and turned my attention to the teacher. "Lunch break can't come fast enough." Gwen told me as we headed towards our last class before lunch. I nodded in agreement. I was really thankful that Gwen was sticking with me today knowing what had happened with Willow, despite the fact that she had other friends and well they were closer to her then I was. "He's staring at you again." Gwen said teasingly, nudging me. "Who? And what do you mean by 'again'?" I asked her utterly confused. She smiled like she knew something I didn't and indicated somewhere behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Peter Parker staring at us or rather at me. I blushed madly but, surprisingly, I didn't look away, I just waved at him shyly and smiled. He seemed to jerk out of his thoughts, making him jump up as he saw me watching his presence. I saw his cheeks turned red, and it made me smile. "Oh, him." I muttered, blushing slightly. I felt her nudge me again and teased, "You like him, don't you?" "Shut up, Gwen." I scowled at her, a smile still plastered on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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