secret stash

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"Mum Georgia is being anoying"I shouted because she was going lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala in my ear for the last 20 minutes.It took ages to eat my serial as well because she kept on flicking the spoon out of my hand.After she did that 9 times I finally punched her in the nose.I was a little bit over reacting because we did have to go to the hospital to get her nose checked but it was fine eaven though it was bleeding loads. After that we went to Tesco to get some chocolate.My little sister lily picked out mostely all of the chocolate on the shelf.I only chose 8 bars its not that much if your in my world.when we were walking back home an afro dude ran over my foot with his bike. While my foot was in pain he came back and he was singing " rodney, rodney, rodney" for some reason in my brain it felt like his name was rodney.Anyway when we got home the time was 11:35 so I put all the bars in the cupboard and went to bed. In the night for revenge Georgia put theese little jelly bean things that tast disgusting trust me they tast like feet -and don't ask me how I know- in them.well in the morning for breakfast I had a big bite of a bar............................ EEEEEW it tasted disgusting I felt like I would through up all over my other sister Georgina that was sitting opposite me eating cheese puffs. Who eats cheese puffs for breakfast.After breakfast me and Georgina went shopping for clothes at Tesco in Hereford. I bought a purple T-shirt with a dog on it.Then we went to get some Shepherd's pie for tea but the Shepherd's pie was right by the chocolate section and I couldn't stop my self from getting 11 bars I know it is a bit much but oh well.When we got a bus home I put the bars under my bed this time then I went to bed.When I got up and brushed my teeth I was going to get revenge for what georgia did to my chocolate eaven though It doesn't really matter now but I'm still going to get my revenge so I went to get a swrew driver. Once I got that I went into the bath room and unscrewed the bathroom door only a bit though. When she went into the bathroom the door fell off.and on the rack there was her bra it is so big I could use it as a hammock.

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