Chapter 2

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Ok before we move on to guns lets talk about raging. Raging is not good you should only rage if a troll comes into play. Trolls are people who make you mad so if you are a victim of a troll don't rage other wise you are amusing them. You should only rage if a troll gets EMP grenades those can disable the box or pack-a-punch even perks so ways to avoid this is if you want to hit the box you should say "Help, I'm at stamin-up" then you could hit the box once or twice but to pack-a-punch its harder because its in the middle of the map the only way I can think of is get a massive train calling out help at the box run the train into him and whilst he is killing the zombies pack-a-ouch once. If you want to troll go into a public match hit the box until you get EMP's find someone troll-able wait till they get good stuff then when they go to pack-a-punch throw an EMP or if they are close to downing throw and EMP at juggernog then they won't have it so the zombies will take him down whilst he is figuring out what happened to jug.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ok so this is chapter 2 but I really don't advise trolling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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