~the sleep over~

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Eren POV

Chills get sent up my body. The only one that's ever slept over at my house is Armin and Mikasa. Plus it's Levi...I don't know what to do, I'm nervous and my palms are sweaty knowing he'll have to spend the night. He looks at me. I look down. What do I do? I need help, but who would be able to help me? I think until I figure it out. Hanji! That's it! She's the one who can help me. I'll just call her in a couple minuets. What could go wrong?

~Levi POV~

I watch Eren. He's just standing there mumbling things to himself. I can tell he's nervous. I mean don't get me wrong I am too but not as nervous as him. I don't really think me sleeping over is that big of a deal, but it's still a bit scary. Spending the whole night with a boy I....never mind. But all I have to do is play it cool and it'll all be ok.

~Erens POV~

Once I set my mind straight I dash outside. I see Levi look at me so I look back at him and say nervously "o-one second..." Then close the door. I think I hear him chuckle from behind the closed door. I sigh and pull out my phone. I call Hanji hoping she'll pick up and then I hear the ringing stop and a nice "heya! This is Hanji!" I take a sigh of relief knowing this isn't her voicemail

"hey Hanji it's Eren" all of the sudden I hear a really loud happy squeal that almost blows my eardrum up "Eren!!! It's been so long!!!" She says happily even though we spoke last week "y-yeah it sure has" I laugh nervously trying to act cool even though my ear is throbbing "so what did you need babe?" She says like none of that squealing and freaking out never happened. "Well umm could you maybe give me some advice?..." I say nervously. "Of course I can!!!" She says giggling. "So what do you need advice on?"

"Well umm you see... Levi's spending the night at my house!" I blurt out. She squeals really happily and this time I hold the phone away from my ear until she's done. I can't help but smile though when she squeals for this reason. I put the phone back to my ear "you done yet?" I say smiling widely "yeah I'm done" she says giggling "so I'm guessing you need my help on that is...you don't know what what the hell your doing" she says knowing that she was rite "yep exactly" I say still smiling. "Well let's see..." Have you already eaten dinner?" "No" I nod my head even though she can't see me "hmm well you can have dinner together then maybe after wards watch a movie" I think about it and it actually sounds really nice "that sounds really nice Hanji, what do you think we should watch?"

I hear her snicker over the phone and then she yells "frozen!!!!!!!" I jump a bit at the sudden yelling "no Hanji we are not watching frozen!" I say sternly "aww come on I'll sing the al ha for you" she says happily "no!" I say. She starts singing "the snow glows white..." "Bye Hanji thank you for everything" I say quickly about to hang up and then I hear her yell "wait!" "Yes?" I say. "LET IT GOOOO LET IT GOOO" of course, of course... "Bye!" I hang up quickly then puts my phone back in my back pocket and sigh then start to chuckle a bit thinking back on it.

Hey everyone! I finally updated it. Yey. So umm enjoy I'll try to update as soon as possible don't worry I'll get to the ereri soon so baiiiii!!!

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