The Night

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I realised time goes too slow. Then woah finally night. Happily I was finding a place to act to sleep. Dwarfs fought for their spots on branches. I had to sleep on the ground. Being very habitual to soft cozy beds this was the worst bed ever! How can anyone sleep here? I have to wait for another hour so that all dwarfs sleep. Bah!, I thought. To my surprise, the moment they landed on the I branches they slept.! I looked at the green fruits shining like emeralds in the night the numerous stars amazed me. After fiveteen minutes of this enjoyment I looked everywhere. Path clear I thought. I Tiptoed to the so calls other side. my eye was just on the branches. "Just no one gets up! " I thought. Since my view was up I bammed on a tree. The noise woke up a dwarf." No not again! " I thought and slept instantly. A red light lit on his head. He turned around to see who was it? He didn't see anybody. Being tired he slept on the ground. I got up, Tiptoed more carefully this time and yay I was on the other side now, I thought. I stepped on the other side and two dwarfs screamed. Everyone woke up." They have guards! Shit" I ran on the other side by leaving the grip they had held. All dwarfs were running towards me. Everyone had red light on their heads now. It seemed bulbs with red light are coming towards me. I ran as fast as I could. I saw a bunch of other dwarfs waiting for me. Trapped! Both sides were these small people. I had to give up. They held me tight. The most weird part was that the dwarfs who were waiting an were on the other side had a expression of shock and had blue lights lit. They came towards me speaking something weird. I ran back. They took me back treating me as a prisoner. Surprisingly they didn't shout or scream or did any harm to me while taking me. The surroundings on the other side were more clean and nice. The dwarfs there looked beautiful." But all are evil! " i thought. As I reached, the king was behind waiting for me. " Now since you disobeyed us and went on the other side you'll never forget tomorrow's experience. You are so done monica! " every One started to scream. One of them said"look at her guts. Tried to disobey the king" other voice " it'll be a great sight to see her tortured.. said another voice. I started to cry. " i am sorry. Please please forgive me. Let me go please. Whatever you want from me. Take it. Please let me go. " the king said, " its time that we tell her the reason we have called her.turning to me he said " tomorrow you will get to know why we have got you here and what we want you to give us. "Okay" i replied scared. Everyone was staring at me with a kind of anger on their faces. One of them whispered, " Tomorrow you will see our evil side. You are dead monica" I just ran away crying. My mind was filled with too many thoughts." What will they do tomorrow.? Will I have to stay there permanently.? Why why? What wrong have I done? I want to go.. mom dad trupti raj where are you? I miss you. Why did we come here for our holiday? We shouldn't have come momma"I thought.

So guys here my chpt ends. So what Do u think where must have monica come for her holiday? What would do the dwarfs do next? Why did they bring her there? Well this unfolds in the next chpt.
Till then read enjoy comment vote!!

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