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The amount of peacefulness and calmness Marilyn felt at that particular moment was something truly strange all in itself. She felt more joyful than in years and she was attending a funeral.

Everyone dressed eerily in black tirelessly fought back the tears from forming in their tear-ducts, whilst with her she had to try her very best to keep a smile from formulating upon her very own face. It baffled her young mind.
Marilyn should of felt despair of no other kind, but she didn't and she wouldn't let anything ruin her good mood.

When the car consequently hit another in a head first collision, Harry had toke most of the blunt shock caused by the cars slamming into each. However she suffered very little damage at all, a minor concussion and a scraped up arm.

Though of course Marilyn knew she was going to be the only survivor the whole time, she made sure of it. She popped his airbag and skipped over his seatbelt, so that when the car got hit he would have nothing stopping him from forcefully hitting the car himself. When the police had first arrived, they thought it was only an unfortunate possibility of it popping when it was inflating. They hardly gave it a mere second thought.

It was kind of brutal if you thought about it. Actually it was extremely brutal, but that only made it so much more exciting of a memory for Marilyn to look back on. The thought of being so sadistic was one that brought shivers down her spine, in a pleasant way.

But no matter how pleased she was with herself, Marilyn couldn't shake off the dreaded feeling of guilt. It came across her a few times that maybe Harry didn't deserve to die in the first place. Sure, he wasn't exactly a cordial person in any sense at all, but did that mean he should of died so painfully young?

Nonetheless, Marilyn was at his funeral, in a lonesome state of undeniable pleasure and undeniable grief; and she wasn't so sure which one she was swerving to in the end.



643 people attended the funeral to pay their respects to the young man with the shoulder length hair and soft curls. Harry was always quite popular, even when he was dead. 

The funeral was hosted in a very large garden so it was genuinely safe to say everyone had their own breathing space. Marilyn, however, felt sick from all the unneeded attention everyone seemed to throw her way. She was never as social as Harry, that's for sure.

The coffin which held the poor man's body laid in the heart of the garden, which was surrounded by a maze that took up almost all the acres that made up the very garden.

Even Mother Nature seemed to be distraught about Harry's death, the past few days had been nothing more than straight down pour, including that day. Everyone seemed to be sobbing for him, everyone expect Marilyn.

Marilyn gingerly waited to pay her respects to Harry, though her patience wasn't holding up. She just longed to get out of this wretched situation, she was beyond tired of the people's pity filled stares and whole hearted sorrows.

Harry's parents showed up at Marilyn's side. His mother held her in a firm hug and cried out on her shoulder, his father patted his wife's back in some failed attempt of support. It was unbelievably amusing how they seemed to care only when times called for it, never when it was truly needed.

"Have you payed your respects yet?" Harry's mother lifted her eye awaiting for a response.

"No, unfortunately not yet. There's just so many people here, it's difficult to get any where near him." 

"It certainly is." His father agreed.

"Well, it was in our best interest to invite you over for dinner, your parents are coming tonight." His mother gently smiled at Marilyn.

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