Chapter Ten

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After Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall spoke to us in the Headmaster's office, Alex had come rushing up to me.

I shakily walked out of Dumbledore's office with Harry and we started to walk back to the Griffindor common room. "Evelyn!" I whipped round to see my brother running from the Great Hall. "Evelyn, what are you actually playing at?" Alex stopped in front of us. "It's not her fault." Harry intercepted.
"Who asked you, Potter?" My brother retorted. Oh boy...
"Go run back to Malfoy, Evans!"
"WILL YOU TWO JUST STOP?!" My voice could be heard from the Black Lake for sure. "Harry, you go on ahead and I'll catch you up." I watched as Harry disappeared through the portrait hole. "Alex, you have to stop picking on him. He's my best friend."
"He started it!"
"He was just trying to be helpful!"
"Whatever. Anyway, how did your name get in the goblet?"
"I actually seriously don't know." He studied my face and after a while he frowned.
"But Dumbledore's not going to let you compete, right?"
"That's what I thought. But according to Barty Crouch, it's the rules. I have to."
"Don't you think I know that? Do you seriously think that I want to take part, in this... This NONSENSE?"
"But you too young. You don't know half the magic that Cedric, Fleur and Viktor do."
"I'll be okay. Trust me." The sound of a bell rang throughout the castle, signalling curfew. I gave my brother a short hug before making my way through the portrait hole.


I walked through the corridor from divination with Harry. Everyone's been funny with Harry all week though - Ron's fallen out with him, apparently there was some sort of argument in the boys dormitory involving him telling Harry to piss off. I still have absolutely no idea how our names got into the goblet. Nobody had said anything harsh or nasty towards me. I actually got support. I think it's because Harry is the chosen one. We'd been interviewed by Rita Skeeter earlier this morning, but she seemed to be making things up.

Walking around, everyone seemed to have some kind of magical badge on. It started off with a picture of Cedric and his name and it twisted into "Potter Stinks" and a picture of Harry. I felt really bad that my friend was being bullied like this. I squeezed Harry's hand as we walked through the courtyard. "HEY POTTER! WHY SO TENSE?" I rolled my eyes as we turned to face Malfoy, who was sat in a tree. "Bugger off Malfoy." Harry said before walking away.
"You see Potter, my father and I have a bet. I said I don't think you'll last ten minutes in this tournament. He doesn't think you'll last five." He and the other Slytherins laughed. I could see my brother behind Goyle, as if he was hiding from me. I watched as Malfoy jumped out of the tree and strutted up to us. "Well I don't give a damn about what your Father thinks." Harry said, taking out his wand as Malfoy did the same. "Stupify." Malfoy flicked his wand and Harry went flying- again. "Malfoy! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" I shrieked. Hurt flickered across his face for a second and then his face twisted into his signature smirk. "You say that as if it's a bad thing." What happened next, I couldn't believe my eyes. Malfoy had turned into a ferret. Then, Professor Moody came running over and started throwing him around - he even put him down Crabbe's trousers. By now everyone was laughing, especially Harry who was now standing by my side. "Professor Moody! What on earth are you doing?" McGonagal approached us quickly, alone with some of the prefects.
"Teaching," Mad-eye replied simply.
"Teaching!? Is... Is that a student?"
"Technically it's a ferret."
"Professor, we never use transfiguration as a punishment. I trust Professor Dumbledore told you that." McGonagal said, horrified. "He might have mentioned it." He replied. McGonagal put Draco back to normal and he looked super freaked out. "My father will hear about this." He said.
"IS THAT A THREAT? IS THAT A THREAT? I CAN TELL YOU THINGS ABOUT YOUR FATHER THAT WOULD MAKE EVEN YOUR GREASY HAIR CURL!!!" Professor Moody hobbled after him screaming and McGonagal scurried off trying to calm him down.


I was sat in the Griffindor common room with Ron, Hermione, Neville and Seamus. Harry had told me that Hagrid had asked to see him and that I was to wait at the common room for him. As far as I know, Ron and Harry are still not talking and it's getting pathetic really. I mean, they used to be best friends. Now, they never have anything nice to say about each other. "Ron, remind me why you and Harry fell out?" I said as I traced the scar on my wrist.
"Because he's a liar and a cheat. He didn't tell me that he'd put his name in the goblet and I'm supposed to be his best friend."
"Well how come you're not mad at me then? I thought we were best friends too. I know Harry didn't put his name in that goblet and I'm sure as hell I didn't either."
"Evie has a point you know." Hermione piped up.
"Well should I be mad at you?!" Ron snapped.
"No, but you shouldn't be mad at Harry either!" I shouted. I felt anger pulse through me and my hair turned red to show just how angry I was. And it takes ALOT to make me angry. "Calm down Evie." Seamus put his arm round my waist and pulled me into a hug as Ron stomped up to his dorm. We heard a door slam and everything went silent. I leant into Seamus and slowly drifted in and out of sleep.

"Evie." I opened my eyes to see Harry peering down at me.
"What?" I grumbled, still half asleep.
"It's the first task. It's dragons."
"What do you mean it's dragons?" I whisper shouted.
"I don't know. Hagrid would tell me anything. He just showed me a bunch of dragons and said that was the first task."
"Well did you see anything else?" I asked, lifting Seamus' arm from around my shoulder.
"Well I saw Hagrid and the headmistress of Beauxbatons making out."
"EW HARRY! MENTAL IMAGES! ARGHH!" I giggled. I am now literally scarred for life.
"Anyway, you were looking quite cosy there, with Seamus." I smiled at the thought of me and Seamus, but we were just friends, nothing more.
"Ah well." I smirked at Harry's confused expression.
"I heard you and Ron had words." He continued.
"No doubt Hermione told you."
"Nope. Neville actually."
"He hates me as well as you now."
"Yeah. Hermione said he'll come round eventually."
"Here's hoping." We both stifled a laugh.
"Anyway. I'm going to bed, so I'll leave you to it."
"Night Harry."
"Good night Evelyn." I snuggled back onto the sofa and fell asleep.


The next day, I made my way to the Dungeons. "Password?" The portrait asked me.
"I know you just heard the password from someone else." The portrait said.
"I didn't realise that you could choose who is allowed in. As far as I'm concerned, I give you the password and you let me in." I replied defiantly. The portrait grumbled as it swung open, revealing the Slytherin common room and a shirtless Malfoy. "MERLIN, WILL YOU PLEASE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON! GAHHD MY EYES! THEY BURN!" I screamed, shielding my eyes. I opened my eyes to see Malfoy with a shirt on and a crimson blush etched upon his face. "Evie, what are you doing he-"
"Why is there a dirty mud blood in here?" He was cut off by Pansy Parkinson.
"Shut the hell up pug face." I said. "Oh and I was looking for my brother."
"He's upstairs. And leave her alone Parkinson." Malfoy smirked. There he goes... Being all nice and sweet again. Ugh.

I walked up to the dormitory and found my brother. "The first task. One word. Dragons."
"Yes Dragons." I said, imitating him. "Now what exactly am I going to do?"
"You're allowed your wand, aren't you?"
"Well use it then. Fire some birds at it or something. I'm busy."
"Well you seemed awfully concerned the other day."
"I am concerned I'm just busy."
"Whatever." I stormed out of the dorm, into the common room and outs of the portrait hole, ignoring Malfoy calling my name and asking if I'm okay. Looks like I'll have to work this one out by myself.

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