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Sparky: *walks in pizzaria with a suitcase* Hey guys...

Chica, Freddy, and Bonnie: SPARKY!

Foxy and Polar: SPARKY? Who is Sparky?

Freddy: Well, Sparky the Dog used to work here, but then he decided it was time to go. A little while later, we got you, Foxy!

Foxy: oh.

Bonnie: Sparky! Dude, why are yoh here?

Sparky: Yeah, that other place fired me. Said I was too creepy...too creepy my left foot...

Me: Well, You wanna crash here? There's plenty of room!

Sparky: You would really let me stay here?

Freddy: Of course, Spark!

Sparky: Yay!

Chica: Well, we're doing an ask/dare kind of th-

Sparky: Ask and Dare!? I used to love those! Count me in!

Me: So, guys! Now you can ask/dare Sparky!

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