Day 24

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Okay so first of all,i am so sorry for the waiting,i lost track of time,i had to stop what i was doing,but oh well.So,let's start!

Raven's POV~

5:50 am

I went out beast boy's room and rushed to mine.I layed in my bed,looking at the ceiling.

'Why did you go out his room?"happy asked

'C'mmon,are you really asking that?She left because she can't stop looking at him while he is sleeping'love said

I blushed furiously and sigthed.'What's happening to me?'

'Your falling in,love'love said and happy giggeled

'No,i'm not!I can't,and i won't.I'll just end up hurting him,or me getting hurt again,and i'm not taking any chances,and anyway,why would i fall in love,with him?'

'Aperently you don't understand love'

'Aperently you don't understand a thing'

'Hmm,that may be true but i understand your love,perfectly'

'Ugh,just shut up and let me sleep'

'You know what hapens when you deny your feelings!'

'I said let me go to sleep!'


*Flash back*

(At park)

"Raven,wait up,can't you go slower"He asked

I smirked"Hehe,Nope"

"Raven"He whined

I stoped running and went back"Aww,are you tiered?"

"Yes,in fact i am tired"he said cathing his breath

"Oh,okay,so,what about ice cream?"

"That sounds great,"

"Let's go then"

"Wait,but no running this time"he said with a smile

I returned the smile and chuckeled"Okay"


"Well,time to go back to the tower"beast boy said standing up

"Um,beast boy?"


"Can i tell you something"

"Of course"

"Can you close your eyes?"

"Huh?For what?"

"Just close them!"i said nearly shouting

"Okay,okay"He close his eyes

'What are you doing?!'anger said'Your acting stupid,he dosen't like you!And you don't like him ethier.'

I ignored the voice and leaned.

'How could he love a demon?!Please,just stop!Your just making a fool of yourself,you've only spent a few days with him and your already in love!'

I leaned back"Nevermind,let's just go back to the tower"

He opened his eyes"What?Oh,um,okay,let's go then"

*End of flash back*

Ugh,what was i thinking?!I feel so stupid.Anyway,it's true,he only likes me as a friend..nothing more.He could never love a freak..a demon.

Beast boy's POV~

I looked down to check on raven.But she wasen't there.She probably went to her room.Man,when we were at the park,she wouldn't stop smiling.I love her smiles,i love to see her happy.She should be like that all the time."I love her"

Thank you for reading!Update tomorrow,and i will do it in time.-_-"

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