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21.) Sneezes xD

22.) When he's super family oriented

23.) If a guy makes funny faces just to be goofy,....dat's cute.

24.) When he's not different around his friends. And I don't mean like, he's all sweet when it's just you and him and then he acts like you don't exist when he with his bros (notice the NOT in the first sentence there). I mean when he's all sweet with you when it's just you two and then when he's with his friends he asks if you're ok and includes you in things and makes sure you're comfortable. BUT that also means not treating you like a baby. RESPECT!

25.) If he's chill buddies with your bestie then he's a keeper.

26.) I guess this one is just for music lovers in general but, honestly, if a guy has the same music interests as me, it makes him so much more attractive. Not even attractive, it just makes me want to get to know him even better.

27.) Sometimes if a guy is like goofy or silly and quirky - it's fudging adorable.

28.) If a guy compliments you. And I know a lot of people are probably like WELL NO DUH! But just hear me out. If a guy randomly says something like, "your hair looks nice today" or "I like your shoes" it means he notices your appearance and HE IS DIGGING IT! That's pretty sweet.

29.) Ok....Mistakes. If a guy like accidentally does something wrong because he just full on doesn't know what in the name of God he's doing....? I couldn't love him more. It's just too cute.

30.) PROTECTIVENESS!!!!!! When a guy is protective of you it automatically makes them like 29727268262938612837x hotter and just amazing. I have a guy "friend" and when we're around a lot of people or big crowds, he usually can tell when I'm nervous and will go behind me or in front of me or literally NEVER leave my side. Or he'll tell me everything's going to be ok and ask if I'm ok. There's also other situations where a guy gets angry or frustrated when something bad happens to you, if that makes sense. Really, the joyous deeper meaning, is that he really genuinely cares about you. That's the best.

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