The Mission

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Hey there everybody. Wow! This has a lot of reads for only being up for a few days. THANK YOU!! So, I lied. Sorry! I got out of school a week a go and forgot I already did it. Oops! Well, it'll stay everyday for an update unless I go out somewhere. (Like the beach or a family trip) Well, here's the next chapter!  Enjoy~ By the way, this one is loooooong.

Midnight's P.O.V.

I fly around with Happy until I see that Y/N is gone. I look around frantically for awhile. I still couldn't find her, so I fly to ask Natsu if he's seen her. If not, I'd go to my last attempt; that is to fly out and look around for her. "Natsu!" He looks up with a confused face.


"Do you know where Y/N went? I can't find her!" Just as he was about to answer, Y/N walks in.  "Y/N!!" I fly max speed to her and almost knock her down. "WHERE WERE YOU?! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO LEAVE AND GO FIND YOU!" She cringes.

"Don't yell Midnight. You know I have sensitive ears." I fly out of her embrace and turn around huffing, crossing my arms over my fluffy chest. I hear a sigh. "I went to look for a house. Plus, I was covered in dirt. So, I changed my clothes." I turn around and look at her, noticing that she was in fact in different clothes

"What's up with them though? I've never seen you wear them."

"Kanade gave them to me the day before she left. I just, didn't want to wear them." I nod in understatement. I hear talking and turn around. I try to smirk after hearing what Y/N said when I see the group.

Y/N P.O.V.

I look at Midnight with a straight face. Which was hard with the thoughts echoing in my head. I look at Midnight with a concerned look when I see a small smirk form. "What are you thinking about." I put my hands on my hips and raise my voice to get her attention.

"Lets go with the group on a mission! I mean, we joined the group for a reason!" She begins to fly over to them before I could grab her. I growl and run over to them. "We want to go on a mission!" The group looks at her then to me with smiles, not noticing my eye roll.

"Perfect! I need some rent money anyways." Lucy says, putting her hands together. I look over at the board that looks to have missions and see this one mission.

Help! Deadly Monster Attacking Our Village!

Uses dark magic. Was originally asleep but was awoken

by an explosion by tests done underground.

Is strongest at night and won't hesitate to kill.

6,000,000 Jewel Reward

"What about this? Seems easy enough if we have all six of us." I take the flier off the board and hand it to Erza. She looks at it and hesitates from the words. She agrees after a bit.

"This seems like a good starter mission. Seeing as you use all the elements." I freeze up and look at her. "I over heard you talking to the master. Plus, Mira was a little loud. Lets go tell Mira." Erza puts a finger to her mouth and walks off with a smile painting her lips. I follow and wait for them to stop.

"So? Where is it?" Gray asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"In a remote town a few hours from here. Wont take long by train. We'll leave later tonight to make it there in the morning." Everyone nods, except for Natsu who seems to have lost the color in his face. I shrug and walk off.

"Lets go Midnight. We need to pack. You also need to have a tour of the house." I begin to walk over to the door with Midnight hot on my trail. "Can we get some food before we leave?"

"Yeah. You must be starving by now. Sorry." I don't bother saying goodbye before teleporting us to the house. I begin cooking diner while she wonders around the huge house. "Come and eat Midnight! You don't want it to get cold!" I yell, hearing it echo back to me.

"Okay!" She flies back into my field of vision after a few minutes and sits down on the table in the kitchen to eat.

~Time Skip~

Y/N P.O.V.

An  hour has past and I'm now just packing a few pairs of clothes and a few necessities. Ones for me and ones for Midnight. Even if all she wears is a tiny dress, she doesn't like wearing the same one over again. I use my shrinking magic to fit it into my pocket so it's easier to carry. I walk into Midnights' room when I'm done. With such a large house, it allows both of us to have our own rooms. "Lets get going. It'll take a bit to get to the train station since I don't know where it is."

"I believe it's by the edge of Magnolia. I can fly us over the town until we find it." I nod and teleport us to the middle of the town. Gotta love teleportation magic. Midnight flies us above the town until we spot the station. She flies down and lets me go last minute. I land gracefully and feel her land on my left shoulder.

"Hey!" I turn around to see Lucy with Erza behind her. I hold my nose when Erza nears with her mountain of luggage.

"Is there food in there too? Cause I can smell the spices." Erza nods.

"Also some armors. Can never be to carefully." I shake my head and look over to find the other three walking over.

"Hi! My name's Wendy! This is Carla, my exceed."

"I'm Midnight! This is my partner, Y/N. Sorry if she's cold to you. She's been through a lot and is shy." I nod my head to Wendy, ignoring Midnight by now.

"Nice to meet you, daughter of Grandeeney. I've learned a lot from your mother." Wendy's eyes go wide. "Well, shall we get going? The sun is beginning to fall."

"I agree. Lets go." Me and Erza get on first. The order is Natsu, me, and Wendy. The other side is Gray, Erza, and Lucy. I look at Natsu to see him puke out the window.

"Natsu, lay your head on my lap. I have something that should shut you up. Your puking is keeping me from sleeping along with everyone else." You guide him down and began to sing a song Kanade sang for you when you were younger to help you when you were sick. When you were done, you see everyone else had fallen asleep. This allows you to fall asleep yourself. You began to think, that maybe this wasn't so bad. That was until your mind makes you remember that in the end, you'll always be forgotten. You tsked and soon fell asleep restlessly.

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